Are these ISEE scores good enough to get a scholarship?

I’m applying to several prep schools and I want to know if I have a good chance to get a high scholarship. Last year I got rejected/waitlisted from every school I applied to, but I have high hopes for this year. My family earns about 65k a year and my scores in the ISEE are 3 stanines of 9 in both math sections and the reading section. I have a 92 percentile in the verbal reasoning. I am Asian and I play a variety of sports and participate in many art projects. Would you say that I have a chance to make it? Please share your experiences down below.

I’m currently in 9th grade and I’m willing to repeat it if it means i’ll get a good scholarship.

test scores are only part of it and this whole process is already really hard for asians. Will your scores keep you out? No, you don’t have to worry about those. Are you going to expand your list a bit from last year’s list? I would recommend you do so if you are determined to go to BS (esp with FA). Can you give the schools a reason as to why not only should they accept you, but why they should foot your bill? What can you bring to their community? Are you a leader? Are you a progressive thinker? What do you care about (it doesn’t have to be world peace, it could be anything as long as it’s genuinely you and not for an accolade, etc). Do you have a good sense of humor? Are you helpful to others? Can you be true to what you really believe/be vulnerable? Think of it as trying to go to dinner with a group of people you admire, and then trying to convince them as to what you can bring that would make it worth their while to pay for your meal to boot. I’m sorry if this sounds transactional, but this whole process is a little like this to some extent. it will be easier to do this if you can first find a list of schools that are already copacetic.

Alright, thanks for answering my question. I’m also with a program called A Better Chance, which helps students of color apply to prep schools. They take all the information on your profile and refer you to the schools that they think best suits you. I think that should help me too.