chance my brother please!

<p>My brother just got his ISEE score percentiles:</p>

<p>verbal- 72 (he knows its bad)
reading- 80

-he has all 3 A+s and two As and was valedictorian of his grade last year
-he was one of two 7th graders that made math team last year
-attends a competitive private school</p>

- had large role in the middle school play
- plays baseball, basketball, and select soccer
-president of middle school honor council (170 people in middle school)
-president of middle school student body
-assists dad at his law firm during the summer</p>

-lives in Midwest</p>

<p>If he is applying to Hotchkiss, Choate, and Exeter (his 1st choice), what are his chances? </p>

<p>Also, should he study (he didnt study for the ISEEs) for the SSAT and take it? Will that improve his chances if he does good on it?</p>

<p>Well, I’ll get this ball rolling… =]
His ISEE is competitive… it certainly isn’t 98th percentile, but it certainly isn’t 83rd percentile.
His academics seem very strong.
His EC’s are also very good… not as high in number as some, but of FAR higher quality; theatre, 3 sports - one very strong in, participation in school, and helping in the workplace - all very good things.</p>

<p>Good luck to him!</p>

<p>P.S., the SSATs are applicable to many more school than the ISEEs, so I would if I were him.</p>

<p>Thanks mmoynan!
Anybody else have anything to add?</p>

<p>Honestly there’s nothing that special about student council, I did student council and really I only got in because more people just happened to know me in comparison to the other candidates. I suppose it shows social skills, but every applicant has probably done something along the lines of that.</p>

<p>Your brother seems really well-rounded, strong grades, participation in arts, and sports. Exactly at what competitive level sport does he play at?</p>