hi all, I’m working on my colleges list. These are some quick stats and what I’m thinking,
Female from San Francisco, CA
GPA 3.8uw/4.2w
ACT 34
A handful of very solid ECs
New College of Florida
U Richmond
Wake Forest
UCSD(for instate school)
William and Mary
I’d love feedback and other options, as well as if I need more matches, reaches, or safeties. Thanks!
Calculate your UC GPA for UCSD: http://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/
Your GPA and ACT are competitive, but EC’s and essays are also important. Many high Stat applicants this year were waitlisted or rejected so no UC is a sure thing. You do have a good chance for acceptance.
Only familar with California schools so I cannot comment on the rest. Good Luck.
I’m familiar with Tulane, U Richmond and New College of Florida, and I’d say those are all “matches” for you, though we did see a lot of top students denied or waitlisted at Tulane this year. Be sure to write excellent essays, these schools have some great merit aid, and you are in range to compete for it. I believe you have to apply early action at Tulane to compete for the big awards. Also be sure to read up on the culture at all these schools, as they are all unique and quite different from each other. Good luck!