Are they still giving out scholarships..?

<p>So I've narrowed down my schools to...</p>

<p>SMU w/ 20k per year
UGA w/ 10k per year
UMiami with no scholarships (accepted EA)</p>

<p>I'm very interested in majoring in biomedical engineering and minoring in theatre, and I believe that UMiami will best fulfill those plans (SMU has no theatre minor, UGA has no engineering..). Is there any chance that I would be awarded a scholarship (possibly redistributed from someone who decided to attend a school elsewhere) if I accepted UMiami's offer of admission?</p>


<pre><code>* ACT: 32 composite, 33 superscore (34 E, 33 R, 32 M, 32 S, 10 E)
* SAT II: 670 Math II, 680 Chemistry
* Unweighted GPA (out of 100): 90 (took a dip after an illness first semester junior year)
* Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): school doesn't rank, but top 15-20%?
* AP (place score in parenthesis): Euro (3), Chem (3)
* Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics B, AP Calculus AB, AP Literature, AP Macro/Microeconomics, AP Comparative Government, Acting 2, Performance Theatre Honors
* Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): none doesn't give out many honors awards


<pre><code>* Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Model UN/Youth Legislature (10-12; President for 2 years), Principal roles in most school musicals and productions as an upperclassman (ensemble roles as an underclassman), Mock trial lawyer/witness (10-11), Football (9-11), Track & Field (9-11), Student gvt (9-10), Church youth choir (9-12)
* Volunteer/Community service: 50+ hours with Habitat for Humanity, in addition to school service club and service learning projects
* Summer Activities: mission trips, Vanderbilt PAVE, football
* Essays: It may sound clich

<p>BUMPITY bump bump</p>

<p>My understanding is that they only offer scholarships with the acceptance package. I have never heard of any redistribution. I think they are able to offer so many scholarships because they know that there will be a good percentage that do not end up attending the U. Call and ask though, you never know.</p>

<p>Smoothiking - My S had simarlar stats and also did not receive a scholarship. I appealed and was told that all decisions are made when student is accepted. When I pushed for a reason why he did not receive a scholarship when he had met the score requirements, I was told by the adcom that they were essentially discounting his scores because he went to a very rigorous high school. The way she stated it was that students who attend rigorous high schools are EXPECTED to get higher scores because they had better learning opportunities and therefore, UM expects more from them. I certainly don’t agree with that but at least it explains why so many kids with the same or lower scores got $.</p>

<p>That’s completely absurd…makes me want to go to UMiami less actually</p>

<p>…unless I get merit money of course :D</p>

<p>That does sort of explain things. Maybe it is their way of determining rank when a school does not rank? Miami seems to be very into rank as a determining factor for scholarships. They used to state that right in their scholarship stats. You needed top 10%, 5% and 1% to qualify for scholarships. They do not mention it any more, but from all the evidence I can see on this board it is still being used as a major component in their decision making process.</p>

<p>Hey, if cost is NOT important, go to Miami. If cost IS important, go to SMU.
…next in line please…</p>

<p>My parents and I were planning on visiting again so would it be a good idea to meet with an admissions counselor to see if we could negotiate some scholarships? I just admire UM too much to let it go, despite that it is not worth 56k to go there.</p>

<p>I agree with SVMom, rank is very important. Since 2/3 of new students graduated in the top 10% of their class, it makes sense that scholarship recipients fall in the top 10%.</p>

<p>hahahaha, wow i wasnt even in the top 50 percent ofmy class and i got in.</p>

<p>fortunately theystopped sending rankings out with my transcript at my high school, so thatsprob why i got in</p>

<p>as for them giving scholarships to fools with lower scores, thats absurd, give it to the smartest most deserving students, stop using socioeconomic background as the main criteria. that definitly makes me want to go here less, how silly</p>

<p>^Thank you. It’s a petty policy to say the least.</p>

<p>I don’t understand the college money stuff. If my parents make 70k per year does Miami give need-based aid or would they still accept me for 40k and then just expect me not to attend since my parents would have to just fall over dead to pay for it :P</p>

<p>I’m not talking scholarship although I am going to get a 2200 SAT and 90 Unweighted GPA. The GPA is bad so I guess I’m not eligible for scholarships.</p>

<p>My friend’s daughter was admitted EA but not offered any scholarship. She had a 1390 SAT and about a 3.8 GPA. My friend called to ask why no scholarship and was told that she needed to be in the top 5% of her class.</p>

<p>Thanks, this proves our theory of rank still counting. You have to have top scores, grades, and rank to earn a scholarship.</p>

<p>What if you attend a hs that does not rank? What scholarship amount would you predict for a 3.5gpa, 3.95 weighted gpa from a very rigorous well known public hs. 30 ACT - including 31 reading and 32 math.</p>

<p>The adcoms are familiar with most high schools. Even if your school does not rank, they rank you (they find out where you/your child stands percentage-wise within his class). I learned this when my DD1 applied back in 2006. She had attended a very rigorous private high school which only ranked its val and sal. We inquired as to why she was not offered a scholarship (when her friend from the public hs with the same stats was offered a 1/3 tuition scholarship) and was told that my daughter was not ranked high enough by their calculations. There is no absolute though with UMiami. It is worth applying early (early action) when there is still ample funds in the merit scholarship “kitty” and seeing if and what they award you. If awarded merit money, the letter is included in the big envelope (acceptance folder packet). You will not see the merit award online initially btw, just a few days after in the snail mail folder.</p>

<p>Ok - thinking that does not bode well. Thanks.</p>

<p>It is not accurate that you must be in the top 10% to receive merit money. My D got $20,000. She attends a very rigorous high school and had about 3.8 unweighted GPA but was NOT in the top 10%. She had 2200 on her SAT’s and applied EA.</p>

<p>I visited last week and asked about scholarships. They said they had exhausted their scholarships and gave out more than ever due to the over qualifying students this yr. They no longer have any more scholarships available but they did say you can apply your 2nd year there and get some merit aid due to your GPA</p>

<p>My son was admitted RD last year, no scholarship. After my wife called admissions and reviewed details of my sons grades & test scores, the reviewed his portfolio again, and realized they accounted for his grades (3.8 unweighted) as if a public high school, not the private prep school he attended. They came back with a Dickenson Scholarship ($20 K /Year).
He now attends UM.
High School: Act 33, SAT 1500, SATII - Math=780, Physics = 760, Lit=680
6 AP’s (Calc AB, Physics, Stats, Chem - all 4’s, Bio -5, Art History - 2)</p>

<p>Give admissions a try, they can find money if your student is qualified.</p>