Are travel costs for overseas classes included?

<p>Today when President Celeste addressed my D's school, he talked about some of the fabulous travel/overseas courses CC offers. In particular he mentioned a Renaissance art & lit class which traveled to Italy for 2 weeks as part of of the coursework (and had 2 whole privately reserved hours in the Sistine Chapel. Very nice!).=</p>

<p>D and a couple of her friends were wondering-- when a class includes out of country travel--like to Italy for that class or to Costa Rica for one of ecology classes--is the cost of travel computed as part of the tuition or is it extra? I can't imagine that plane fare and accomodations aren't an additional cost.</p>

<p>I'm not entirely sure, but I remember hearing that "the trips are covered by the departments." I don't know if this includes air-fares, and if this applies to every single overseas class... but I think it is what I heard...</p>

<p>I found this in the Biology Handbook:</p>


Departmental Awards to Students<br>
The Stabler Award</p>

<pre><code> The Biology Department grants these monies to assist students studying at field stations. First priority is given to junior biology majors to take courses, including independent study, at marine biology field stations during the summer. Second priorities include assistance to students taking academic year courses at marine stations, supporting student attendance in courses at terrestrial field stations, and providing monies to support student research at terrestrial field stations. The amount of money awarded depends on the cost of the program and financial need. Announcement is made after spring break each year. See the department secretary for application procedures and details.



<p>This seems to support applesauce's understanding. To me it imples that the particular costs of transportation ARE NOT covered by tuition. </p>

<p>I'd love to know the answer. I do know that financial aid awards and scholarship money does apply to CC aproved courses out of the country.</p>

<p>Actually I think that the OP was referring to actual classes that travel places (such as Bio classes to Patagonia or Belize, or Art/Humanities classes to Rome, England, etc.) instead of independent study/research type project funding.</p>

<p>They have the most wonderful travel classes I have ever seen. I really doubt the airfare is covered. It would be so wonderful if it were.</p>