Field trips

<p>I know that CC offers a lot of field trips for classes. Does anyone has these are funded? Is it a lot more money to take these classes?</p>

<p>I am only a parent of a freshman just starting, but they seem to be included. Are you applying there? The extra trips on breaks would be your own expense, of course (ie ski trips etc).</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Yes I am definitely applying. The class field trips seem like a very unique opportunity that I would love take advantage of. The block breaks are awesome as well; I can’t wait to do lots of backpacking if I get accepted!</p>

<p>parent of a sophmore here. The block classes that go abroad do have some additional expenses. they will e listed in the course listings and are (all things considered) fairly reasonable. The drama class to England was an additional $900 I believe.</p>

<p>From another parent of a sophomore: D1 is going to Chile for 4th block and I think it’s a bit pricey at $3500. However, I just attended an information session at CC with D2 and heard that the school chooses about 30 off-campus blocks to fund each year - meaning if you happen to sign up for one of those classes, there is absolutely no extra cost. Bummer for us that the Chile trip wasn’t one of those trips this year! :-(</p>

<p>S (graduated in May 2011) did 8th block in Taipei in April-May 2010 that was totally CC funded AND they allowed him to have an open return flight ticket. He stayed an extra month and backpacked in Cambodia and Malayasia.</p>

<p>WOW 07DAD!! That sounds amazing…
Outdoors… my S is appying and is a VERY enthusiastic backpacker/mountaineer? Maybe if you both end up there you guys can meet up for a climb. Do you rock climb?</p>

<p>For a summer block, S2 took a course in Mexico covering the impact of globalization on traditional cultures in Chiapas province (where he also got to see some fantastic Mayan ruins). The course was free of charge (other than air fare down from Colorado). Every CC student gets one free summer block over the course of 4 years. If he had already played that card, I believe the Mexico course would have been charged at ordinary tuition rates.</p>

<p>One big advantage of the block plan is the flexibility it offers for study abroad. You don’t have to commit to a year or even a semester abroad. You can go for as little as one block. Next semester, S will be studying urban development in New York, India, Senegal, and Argentina (an international honors program, not sponsored by CC).</p>

<p>Yay! All of these opportunities sound amazing! 5boys, I mostly hike and backpack but have gone rock climbing and ice climbing. I’m up for anything involving the outdoors!</p>