<p>I notice that when I asked some people what they are planning to do for the weekend (or holidays), they would replied going to parties and/or getting wasted. I really doubt all of them are telling the truth. Occasionally I would hear people talking in high volume about how they get so wasted and some crazy things they did. One time I overheard this girl saying how she woke up in the morning and saying something that she would not do that again. So I got the impression that she got drunk and hook up with someone which later she regrets. (?) A lot of my friends are the studious type, so I don't hear them talking about getting wasted or getting laid for the weekend, except for one, he always wanted to go to parties and hook up but he is too busy. I just want to know, are people really doing these things like they claim or they are just saying it? I attend a pretty big university, but I have yet to hear someone hooking up, except maybe that one time mentioned above.</p>
<p>LOL this is too funny. Is this fake?</p>
<p>hahahahaha uhhh are you serious?! of course they are, it’s college. but uhhh…it’s MUCH more common for people…well, at for least girls (maybe not guys…)to deny hooking up with some random guy at a party (even if she did) than it is for them to brag about it or something. haha</p>
<p>p.s. me and most of my friends are the “studious type” (I have a 4.0), but we still go out and have fun on weekends. enjoy it now, because after college it’s called alcoholism… ;)</p>
<p>What else do you do on weekends besides party and drink (or not drink if you aren’t down with that)?</p>
<p>I hope you aren’t one of those kids who I see studying by themselves at 12pm on a friday night!</p>
<p>what is so funny about my thread? Maybe I am being misleading, I am not saying that I am surprise to hear people party and getting drunk, but what I don’t get is why do those people want people to know how they get wasted and the stupid things they did?</p>
<p>Thing is I don’t go out party that much, I feel like a dork…:(</p>
<p>yes. they are getting smashed.
you should try setting aside your organic chemistry for an evening & attend one of these mythical parties; you might have a good time!</p>
<p>Talking about the stupid things you did makes for some great stories.</p>
<p>Partying/getting wasted is seriously all I do on the weekends besides eat and sleep. </p>
<p>Oh…and go to sporting events or concerts…but we usually get wasted for those too.</p>
<p>Partying/getting wasted, and trying (sometimes it doesn’t always work out) to hook up is seriously all I do on the weekends besides eat, sleep and go to the bathroom. </p>
<p>Oh…and go to sporting events or concerts…but we usually get wasted for those too.</p>
<p>Lol yes it’s definitely true. I have been known to get a little wasted myself occasionally, although I try not to get that drunk most of the time (because after a certain point for me, I just start crying for no reason and no one wants THAT person around). It’s alot of fun if you’re with good friends (and someone sober is looking out for you), but if you’re around people you barely know, it’s less fun.
I don’t hook up with random people at parties though, that’s just kinda gross (well, if “hooking up” is defined as any kind of sex, anyway. people have different definitions of it. If it’s just making out then maybe).</p>
<p>High school kids define hook up as making out.</p>
<p>I am going to waste.</p>
<p>ummm… have you never been to a party?</p>
<p>You guys are pretty mean. Take the person’s question seriously, sheesh. If you’re not going to contribute anything intellectual to this area, then don’t post. It’s GOOD that he doesn’t know much of anything about parties, because it means that he isn’t a deadbeat loser who’s wasting his time and money by getting drunk with idiots.</p>
<p>Now, I’m not saying that partying makes you a loser. You can have a lot of fun partying and drinking without being a ■■■■■■… if you do it responsibly. But it’s not like he’s going to die for not knowing any these things. He’s much better off, quite frankly.</p>
<p>Just ignore the ones who want to slack off, and complete your studies. If they want to be stupid, let them do it on their own. That’s all.</p>
<p>Lol @ assuming the only people who party are slackers. How is he better not knowing these things? It’s called life experience and I would hate for OP to live his college life buried in a textbook. Life passes you by if you’re stuck in the library all day.</p>
…and judging by his previous threads, he needs social skill classes STAT.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/557942-frat-boys-sorority-girls.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/557942-frat-boys-sorority-girls.html</a>
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/586319-girls-really-dumber-than-guys.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/586319-girls-really-dumber-than-guys.html</a></p>
<p>Getting wasted just doesn’t fair well. I don’t like it or being around people who are. Tipsy isn’t terrible though. The stories are just as good. ;]</p>
<p>You can be a good student and still have fun.</p>
<p>Nights you’ll never remember with people you’ll never forget…</p>
<p>Completely false statement. Not that I advocate getting black out drunk, but the stories are always the best part.</p>
<p>No one ever said that the ONLY people who party are slackers. But enough of them are, and shame on them. No, he shouldn’t keep his head in a textbook for his whole college life. But his lips shouldn’t be wrapped around a bottle of booze for his whole college life, either.</p>
<p>And it’s better that he’s socially non-knowledgeable rather than a drunken outcast.</p>