Are you happy with your gender?

<p>Do you wish that you were the opposite gender? I like being a guy. I don't have to deal with emotions or obsess about my appearance. But each gender obviously has its own pros and cons.</p>

<p>Yeah, because no guy has emotions or cares about how they look. How stupid.</p>

<p>^ You are correct. I’d applaud you, but that’d be a bit too expressive. Instead, I will smoke a stogie in your honor.</p>

<p>I’m quite happy with my vagina. It’s served me well numerous times in the past. However, going forward, I might change it up to bit. That’s not to say I’ll go after a sex-change thing or something - that’s a little too much for me. But a few “things” here or there might suit me well.</p>

<p>^ i’m not talking about getting a sex change. that’s creepy. i’m asking, if you could be born again, would you choose a different gender or the same one?</p>

<p>I’m actually considering getting a sex change in the near future. It’s time to start anew!</p>

<p>Lol at this thread.</p>

<p>But seriously, all guys and gals alike have had to wonder about what it would be like to be the opposite sex. Not to say many of us would change if given the opportunity (I like my balls), but it’s food for thought.</p>

<p>LAWL at eating food</p>

<p>& I think if I were a dude I’d be too shy, so I’m glad I’m a girl</p>

<p>Nope, I’m happy being a girl. I’m pretty sure, if I were a guy, I’d be tarnished for spousal abuse. I have a horrible temper and I always get urges to punch and physically attack people - which I don’t tend to hold back. Thanks to the double-standard, I can do that as a girl, and get away with it.</p>

<p>That, and I think (most - or at least the ones I’ve interacted with) girls are whiny and needy. I don’t know how guys can tolerate it. I’d end up being a gay guy.</p>

<p>When I was five or something I once thought to myself, “Well I sure am glad I’m a boy, since I don’t have to give birth!” </p>

<p>In this day and age, people seem to spend a great deal of time talking about difficulties of being a woman. I recently read this article which said that girls are caught between a rock and a hard place as they must, on one hand, make themselves sexually enticing and be somewhat flirtatious or otherwise be seen as cold and sexually inaccessible, and on the other not “slutty” or easy to get (thereby becoming undesirable).</p>

<p>However, as Poseur pointed out, it’s hard, for example, for a guy to be shy, since men are expected to be confident. We are expected on one hand to be assertive and even somewhat aggressive, yet on the other hand, we must avoid being seen as cocky and abrasive jerks. We are less permitted to express our emotions, and it is less acceptable for us to seek comfort from others. Does a man not feel pain? (You’re an evil female chauvinist, OP!)</p>

<p>It can be hard out there for both sexes. We ought to be more mutually sympathetic and understanding. (Maybe, I’ll start working on a self-help book.)</p>

<p>i kinda wish i was a boy…because that time of the month can be killer. haha and most of the guys i know are more chill than girls… and girls are usually backstabbing hoes.</p>

<p>Perfectly fine. I do not care about how I look, and people underestimate me because I’m a woman. It’s amusing.</p>

<p>I think I’d be the same person inside either way. I’d just be a gay guy instead of a straight girl. It really wouldn’t matter.</p>

<p>^ no. you would have a male brain and like girls.</p>

<p>…because all guys like girls. :P</p>

<p>^^ Not all boys like girls. Not all girls like guys. </p>

<p>I have a undoubtedly male brain, but in a female body. I also much prefer girls to guys.</p>


Not everyone is born straight. o_o</p>

<p>I’m a straight male with emotions and a penchant for fashion, and I’m perfectly satisfied with it.</p>

<p>“…because all guys like girls. :P”</p>

<p>Sorry, all guys who want to pass on their genes and perpetuate the human species like girls. Why are we pretending that it is natural to be gay? It totally goes against the survival of our species.</p>

<p>From an evolutionary standpoint, homosexuality is about as natural as suicide.</p>

<p>^ For the sake of not starting a gay debate thread, please don’t say things you know are going to start an argument. Go dig up an old debate thread if you’d like, but don’t turn this into one.</p>