Are you planning on getting on CC on New Year's eve?

<p>^look at title^</p>


<p>its getting addicting now :P</p>

<p>I’ll probably come on to announce that I’m done with college apps.</p>

<p>And then go out and scream to random people that I’m done with college apps.</p>

<p>And then revel in the freedom.</p>

<p>And then study for subject tests the next day.</p>

<p>Maybe. Maybe not.</p>

<p>Not at midnight but probably sometime tomorrow</p>

<p>I know you’re going to miss me.</p>

<p>yes, CC christmas!</p>

<p>NO WAYYYY!!!</p>

<p>I’m going to be at a party. With NORMAL people. ;)</p>

<p>^And how are they normal people, whereas you characterize CC as “not normal?”</p>

<p>I suppose they aren’t really normal, now that I think about it…</p>

<p>However, at least there won’t be so much college discussion. :)</p>

<p>And CCers are SO not normal. Are we representative of the average American teenager? Definitely not. Which is a good thing. Anddd now I’m just rambling.</p>

<p>So what represents the “average American teenager?”</p>

<p>Idk, but google could probably tell you :)</p>


<p>Some snippets:</p>

<p>“The average American teen spends about 20 hours a week watching television, with the heaviest viewers coming from low-income households.”</p>

<p>“the average American teen, who views sex as a healthy, mutually satisfying act between consenting adults”</p>

<p>“Average american Teen Girl Traits. Every girl I’ve ever dated… Consumer Whore; Must buy all cds from favorite corporate singer”</p>

<p>Yeah, nice work google…</p>

<p>People from Utah aren’t normal. Anyone below 100 south especially so</p>

<p>Just watch American Teen.</p>

<p>No thanks</p>

<p>I went to church once in Richfield. Such a bizarre little place</p>

<p>American Teen is goood! :)</p>

<p>American Dragonnnn!
He’s cool, he’s hot like the frozen sun.
He’s young and fast, he’s the chosen one.</p>

<p>…Wait, you said American teen. Sorry.</p>

<p>I mean, the typical American teenager isn’t just one stereotypical person. There are many.</p>

<p>There’s the nerd who studies, the geek who spends his/her life on video games, the emo kids who wear eyeliner and band shirts of bands that they think are indie but are really popular, the normal and forgettable girls, the jocks, the “rebels”, the metal heads, the princesses, the leaders, the kids who don’t fit in a group but who are liked by everyone, etc.</p>

<p>That’s why I reject the notion of a “normal” teenager…and that the people at your party may be normal while CCers are not…I mean, extreme deviations can be characterized as “weird,” I suppose, but it’s impossible to say what is a “normal” teenager.</p>