<p>Hey y'all, I'm having a real hard time with WHAP at the moment. Like I'm doing my chapter notes and I'm reading from Barrons but I feel as if nothing is sinking in.</p>
<p>Like I do all my work, I'm ahead in my class assignments, I'm starting to look at the prep book right now but itslike.... I just can't get stuff to sink in, like I can't see the trends and what not...</p>
<p>Can anybody help me with this? I can't seem to remember like the change and contrats of civilizations, and no my WHAP teacher is terrible and he doesn't reach so I really need help, are there any good websites or suggestions that has charts for all the religions and whatnot?</p>
<p>Thanks and greatly appreciate all of your help! :DDD</p>
<p>hey, pr has a really good wh book. it is a lot more big picture than barrons. I know this because i happen to own both 
so i would recommend you buy pr wh book.</p>
<p>Don’t worry…world history feels pretty overwhelming at first, but you actually know a lot more than you think you do! </p>
<p>Make sure you are reading supplemental materials like primary sources. Books like Barron’s and Princeton Review are great to some degree, but using a textbook and analyzing prominent primary sources is the best way to go.</p>
<p>A word of warning…Barron’s is quite good for the post-classical period and onwards, but its foundation civilization unit is really light on detail. You don’t really need to memorize every ruler in chronological order between 4000 BCE and 600 CE, but if you appreciate the details and come to review on a broader scale, you will end up with a solid understanding.</p>
<p>absolutely EVERYONE in my freshman WHAP class can agree with me here- there’s no review like princeton’s. I actually outlined my entire textbook, because our teacher would barely use it, but in the end, it was useless, because my book focused on europe, the world wars, greece, egypt, and rome quite a bit. I tried barron’s at first, but the overwhelming details made me feel LESS prepared and even STUPIDER. My teacher told us to use princeton’s, to be acquainted with the bold words, and we’d be fine. The practice exams are ridiculously hard at the back of the book- way harder than the actual ap. I got a five when i took it- I hope this helps!</p>