Aria School of Nursing

Anyone know anything about Aria School of Nursing in Trevose, PA?
Is it a better alternative to a 4-yr university?

I believe that is a 3 year hospital based program? If so, it has the advantage of being cheaper and quicker than a 4 year BSN degree. You have the alternative of later getting a BSN, which hopefully an employer might help subsidize. However, employment choices are much better for persons with a BSN. Also, if you are eligible for need based or merit based financial aid or can get into an in-state public university, it may actually be cheaper in the long run to get a BSN than to get an associate degree and to go back later for a BSN. That is because the same types of aid may not be available for the second degree, and there may not be a low-cost BSN program near your work.

Thanks for the info… did you go to Aria SON?

I had two sisters who went to different 3 year hospital-based nursing programs, back when they were more common. My one sister had trouble getting her BSN because at the time many colleges wouldn’t accept the credits from a 3 year nursing program. I believe it is different now, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask.