Arizona State Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

My DD got accepted. Today we went to the application portal and try to find the accept offer button and could not find it. Anyone know where I can find it on their account? Thanks

“Beginning Oct. 1, you can confirm your place in the fall 2022 class by submitting your deposit”

@knowitalways, my DS found that ASU populates new data in their MyASU portal slowly over time. A few days after receiving acceptance, there was a new item on the right hand margin (Priority Tasks) in the portal that read “pay enrollment deposit”. That was how ASU expects students to commit. Once that is paid, more tasks will show up in this same area a few days later.

@usma87, where did you find the Tooker House move in dates?

Class starts on a Thursday (18th). So far, the only info I have heard was that move in dates are not publicized until July and also, that OOS students have a different move in date.

Historically, freshman move-in is the weekend before the start of classes. They have a number of University events on M-W to help freshman get to know each other.

You will learn your specific move-in date and time in July.


Also - move-in was actually surprisingly painless. ASU has a team to help unload the car and get the stuff up to the student’s room. It’s the rest that takes a little more time.

One caution - don’t over buy stuff for the dorm. For all three of my DS, we threw stuff out at graduation that we bought for freshman year and was never used. Keep it to the basics and then cut that in half (suggested mental approach). They aren’t moving to Antarctica.


Anyone or their child in ASU but NOT Barrett? Do freshmen not in Barrett (but in College of Liberal Arts) still receive enough attention to successfully navigate course selection and freshman year in general? I see that ASU rates highly for quality of undergraduate education, but the lack of a summer orientation and the zoom advising session concern me. Are the advisors professors?

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I went to ASU a long time ago but I had no trouble navigating course selection or anything for that matter. I met with an advisor each semester. I had no parental assistance and I got all the classes I needed and graduated on time. My daughter has decided not to go to ASU and is going to A&M and the posts I see about how hard it is to get classes and graduate on time are scaring me. :grimacing:


@Mom1274, my DS is going through this process with ASU now. As an incoming freshman, ASU wont even let students pick classes until they have met with an advisor first. My DS has not met with the advisor yet, so I cant comment on how knowledgeable or helpful they are - but the process is in place. You can always browse the ASU class catalogue to get a feel for what the classes are for Fall. We’ve been browsing and watching while he waits for his advisor meeting date.


@usma87, that’s a good tip. I have a son, so I will be lucky if he even packs the “basics”. I’m sure if we see that any items have been missed during move in, we can visit a local Target store.

My sons were Barrett. They actually did Target shopping trips for the students on Sunday or Monday after move-in. Target closes to all non-ASU people. There is one in Tempe Marketplace about 2 miles from campus. There is a pretty lengthy thread on parent cafe about “what to take”.


@NorCal925 @usma87

Boy committed to ASU yesterday. (WPCarey) We did not do honors but could have. I suppose we will see if that bites him in the long run. I really like the idea of the learning community housing but can see value in mixing of majors in Barretts.

I have to laugh about packing for my boy vs girl.

He will take his computer, some deodorant, and a weeks worth of shorts/tshirts and a hoody. :wink:


@RNmomof4, Congratulations on committing. My son finally had his advisor meeting. She is a humanities teacher (he is Engineering CS). She was prepared and reviewed his AP credits, scholarship, and shared the newly published major map. My son had already put together a draft schedule, so it was much easier to have her review that and confirm that he did not leave anything out. She followed up with him in email with notes about what they discussed and things he needed to remember to do. I thought it was a good session.


Love the boy v girl packing example. :joy:

There is an option to join Barrett as a Sophomore, if it’s something he wants to do. Best of luck.


Thats good to know. We will see how that all shakes out. I def want him to be around students who care about their studies.

He was direct admit to the W.P. Carey school of business as a freshman and is part of the Leaders Academy. Because of that, he was able to secure a room at Hassayampa. He is very happy about the housing and the proximity to the business building and the rec center.

He is def a minimalist and keeps a spotless room with no involvement from me. :wink: I suppose the biggest hurdle for his roommate will be my sons ice hockey gear. The smell is not for the faint of heart. :wink: Im hoping there will be an option to keep it at the rink.

My daughter on the other hand is a creative soul and her room is always a disaster. I feel sorry for her future roommate. :wink: She assures me that she will be tidy for a roommate. Let’s hope so! Her sister is excited that she is going off to college in the fall so she can have the room to herself.


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Best of luck to you. One of my DS’s had a hockey player roommate. Yeah, that just needs its own space. I am a strong ASU advocate. There is a ton of opportunity there. I have my MBA from WPC, so I have a bias.