Armed Robbery on Campus

<p>Another armed robbery:</p>

<p>Gunman</a> flees after robbing Rice student at bus stop - Houston Chronicle</p>

<p>Glad to read: "Students were told via email about the incident and were urged to take precautions. There have been several recent robberies on campus and security has been 'beefed up,' KTRK says."</p>

<p>Students, please keep your heads up and travel with a group if at all possible. Parents, remind your kids to be careful. I'm having (another) conversation with my son this weekend. Too many of these incidents in the past year or so for my comfort level!</p>

<p>What are the crime stats for Rice?</p>

<p><a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>For some reason most of the robberies that have occurred this past year are not on the list. Maybe they are not technically ON the campus, although most of them were according to news reports.</p>

<p>I cannot access their crime stats (Clery Act) but maybe Iā€™m not digging enough.</p>