Art and Humanities Cognate (help)

Hey everyone, I was wondering if any current/past students at the U or parents of students had any advice on picking easy/fun classes for the art and humanities cognate.

I’ve never been good at hands on art, but I can do graphic design in Photoshop, and am just trying to get the cognate done that is the least taxing on my other classes. If you have any suggestions feel free to reach out!

Really bad idea!

Do not look for easy classes, look for classes that you have found interesting. What we have found at Miami is some of the classes that seem easy (as far as subject matter) become quite difficult as they have bad teachers or often have a combination of difficult tests (on easy material) with no curve so it makes it very hard to get an A. You will probably get a better grade on a course that you find interesting and has a better teacher.