UM Cognate/Course questions

Hi everyone, I’m a junior rn and am going to apply to UM this upcoming fall, ED1. I just was curious about the cognate system because it’s always confused me from the tour. I am planning on going into a Pure Physics Major, pre med track. However am I able to take the American Sign Language courses in the Teaching and Learning section from the course catalog? Would that fulfill a cognate? And could someone explain exactly how the cognates work? Thanks!

1st) I, along with 11 others in my class, came in as physics majors at UM; now there are 3 of them (I changed). Physics is not nearly as fun in college. Not saying don’t do it, just saying don’t be afraid of changing majors if you dont love it.
2) cognates are mini minors. Instead of general ed, you must have a major, and at least two cognates. There are 3 categories for cognates, so you must have one in each of the three. Does this make sense?