Art Classes at Cornell

<p>Are the art classes, specifically drawing I, very difficult? Is there a lot of homework, or is the majority of work done in class? </p>

<p>I'm a bio major with no previous art experience and I was thinking about taking drawing next semester. Is this a bad idea? Do you think the class would be really hard?</p>


<p>I’m a bio major too but I’m somewhat interested in art as well. as a CALS student I can’t really DO much about that interest but I have read about the courses, lol.</p>

<p>I assume you’re looking at ART 1501 (Drawing I) or ART 1201 (Intro to Painting). those both sound very accessible based on their course descriptions, like they’re really starting with the basics.</p>

<p>yeah, those are the ones i’m looking at. </p>

<p>i’m in a&s and i’d have to go into aap to take those classes. i’m pretty sure you can too from cals. it doesn’t fulfill any requirements, but you can still take the classes, i’m pretty sure.</p>

<p>I can’t answer your questions, but I’m a bio major too and signed up for Intro Painting for next semester! I’m also hoping it isn’t too difficult.</p>