<p>Reedies, what do you think of the art department or what have you heard about it from art majors? How prominent is visual arts on campus?
I'm considering tranferring as a Studio Art major.</p>
<p>the art dept is pretty small, but then again, so are a lot of depts at reed! </p>
<p>you might find more help on the Reed Live Journal. go here to read the "rules"and to post:
[reedlj</a> - Community Profile](<a href=“http://community.livejournal.com/reedlj/profile]reedlj”>reedlj - Profile)</p>
I heard that Reed students can do duel with PNCA, which is nice upcoming art school in Portland.
I am a parent my kid is in the same boat.
let me know how you go with your plan</p>
<p>Hi, thanks for your response. I have heard about the 3-2 program with PNCA but it wouldn’t work out for me as a transfer student, since so many credits must be completed at Reed before graduation. Word on the street is a lot of students come in thinking they’ll do the joint program but then they can’t bear to leave Reed.</p>
<p>I have visited Reed and talked with art students and professors, and also checked out previous art theses online… I think they have a fairly solid program with an intellectual bent that gets more indepedent-oriented in upper division courses. The facilities are pretty nice, they seem to have the basics for every concentration (this cannot be said of every lib arts college). Tell your kid to check out the department website and student work (and visit if possible)- I think that is one of the best indicators of the success of a program.</p>
<p>Thank you. we are in NY, Bard is sort of our Reed but he wasn’t so hot about it.
We’ll see.
Good luck!</p>