As a microbiology or bio sciences major would you have to take Calc II?

<p>pretty much wut the title says. I want to go to med school and I know i need great grades I got an A in Pre Calc (im in high school) so im not to worried about Calc I I just gotta work at it. But Calc II scares me it seems like one of those classes where even if you work really hard at it you may not get it and do well.</p>

<p>It really depends on the college that you chose to attend. Best bet is to look at the requirements for those majors at specific colleges you have been interested in. Usually you can find these readily available on the colleges websites under the Academic Majors sections. </p>

<p>As a parent of student majoring in natural sciences, all the programs D looked at required Calc I & II and over 1/2 required Calc III also.</p>

<p>For a microbiology degree where I go, you have to take either calc I and II or calc I and stats. It varies from school to school I’m sure though.</p>

<p>If it’s a halfway decent school, then yes.</p>

<p>Even if your school doesn’t require calc II as part of your major, many med schools will have it as part of their pre-reqs.</p>

<p>One complete year of calculus is required for medical school or graduate school applications pretty much regardless of what school you apply to.</p>

<p>It depends, here biology students only have to take up to Calc II, biochem needs through calc III</p>