<p>It seems to be the talk of the town.. how ALL HELL breaks loose on the Columbia board. tee hee :)
Yes, we may sometimes get a weeee bit agressive and start biting each other's heads off.. I must say I am guilty of this crime too.. However, I have to say - our board has so much character, and it's incredibly up beat and lively! I don't know what I would do without you guys!
As the fateful day approaches, I will have to continue relying on you guys for moral support and light-hearted humour/entertainment.</p>
<p>The BIG "prediction list" incident really got me thinking.. And as depressing as it is, the reality is... that some of us really will get a horrible R...
...Noone knows the outcome till the REAL decisions are out.. And till then I will pray for all of you!
But let's just remember guys.... that whatever happens, it happened for the right reasons and for the best!</p>
<p>It has been an immense pleasure being acquianted to you all and having quality conversations on CC and AIM/MSN.
You have all made these past few days and weeks easier (even though CC has been a huge distraction from hwk). Many thanks :)
Even if I do get a dreaded R, I will still come on CC and dutifully tell you what happened to me.... But I must say I don't think I'd be visiting a lot if I do get R..</p>
<p>Anyhoo, I wish all of you wonderful people the absolute best of luck!</p>
<p>With love,
Christina xxx</p>
<p>P.S - Let's have more love... :) (at least until the decisions are out.. then we can fight again!)</p>
<p>P.P.S - I'm really lazy.. and haven't done my RD apps and hardly any hwk...
I don't know what I'll do if I get that R....</p>
<p>do you make a new thread every other minute :p?</p>
<p>u know why i didnt like the prediction list..because it reminded me of every other forum and how they are sooo hooked on their stats..but i think the columbia threads are different..soo that was just an awkward thread ..lala howdy!..</p>
<p>I guess that's what lazy procrastinators like me do my dear...
To avoid doing RD apps and hwk... I'm gonna go back to hwk now.. <em>yawn</em></p>
<p>When you do this next year.. let me tell you.. don't be an idiot like me and put all your eggs in one basket (my one basket is Columbia).... cus I think my eggs might just all BREAK.. :(</p>
<p>I wish I was Julia Stiles lol..</p>
<p>i really gotta start my RDs too..before I get Columbia rejection letter! then i'll be too depressed to do anything...</p>
<p>sure you might be depressed about a rejection but then it will give you motivation to show Columbia what they're missing by proving you can get in to other very good schools.</p>
<p>yea we definitely have more character than the other ivies..they seem so hung up on numbers.</p>
<p>5 days</p>
<p>When's the decision supposed to come out? I keep hearing either the 10th or the 15th, do we know for sure?</p>
<p>Dude forreals. It should be like this:</p>
<p>ME: Hi my name is Sarah.
You guys: HI Sarah.
ME: ... and I have problems.
<p>HOW CUTE!!</p>
<p>haha, like an alcoholic anonymous support group?</p>
<p>that;s funny</p>