Asian-American Studies Minor

<p>Hi all, brand new to the forums so greetings. Anyway, I thought I'd place this in the Other College Majors section as I am more interested in discussing the course of study and how I can utilize it generally, rather than it being discussed purely as a minor.</p>

<p>Anyway, I pretty much decided to minor in Asian-American studies because, the courses in the field seemed like classes I always winded up in (originally to fulfill breadth requirement) and enjoyed. Plus it helped that I always did/do pretty well in these classes. However, as a Journalism and Film double major I was curious what the minor could actually be used for, given my majors and desire to pursue journalism in grad school. While there is the obvious answer in that someone may see me as more credible in writing about Asian-American issues than someone, who has not studied the field, I cannot think of much else.</p>

<p>Also, since it kind of matters given the field of study its worth throwing out there that I'm a white male.</p>