Asian lawyers?

<p>Are there alot? Like are Asians considered URM when they apply to law school. Just wondering because I've never seen one advertised. Thanks.</p>

<p>Asian representation at law schools (especially top law schools) is very high. However, Asians are NOT considered URMs when applying.</p>

<p>As for your remark about never having “seen one advertised”, what do you mean by that? You mean you’ve never seen an Asian privately practicing lawyer’s advertisement? There may not be many of those, but there are many working as associates in private firms, for NGOs, and for the federal and state governments.</p>

<p>Yep, I never see any advertisements for Asian lawyers.</p>

<p>the funny thing about asians-in-law is that asian applicants don’t qualify as URMs for the application process, but are in fact considered a URM in the <em>practice</em> of law.</p>

<p>not at top ivies booker</p>