Asians at CC?

<p>CC seems like a largely white community, not to be racist at all here. I am Korean, and I am just a bit worried there isn't going to be any Koreans at CC. Can anyone attest to this?</p>

<p>For what it’s worth, I’m half-Vietnamese, and I’ll be attending CC.</p>

<p>I met a good amount of Asians during the dinner alone, and most of them were Korean. I’m Chinese. I wouldn’t worry too much about being Asian. I didn’t get the vibe that anyone cared, and everyone’s really chill. From what I could tell though, of the small Asian population interested (many of which I know are going), the majority were Korean.</p>

<p>When I was there (which was for good amount of time), I saw like a handful of asians. I think one of the complaints about CC is the lack of diversity. I’m Vietnamese, and I don’t think I saw anyone that was :confused:
But! People are pretty open and welcoming there, so I don’t think you’ll experience any problems with that.</p>