Ask a current student anything

<p>I'm a current sophomore with double majors in Electronic Media and Computer Science, I figure as the deadline for a decision is approaching I'd answer any questions I have to the best of my knowledge. Feel free to ask the questions you wouldn't or forgot to ask on the tour. I won't be the most knowledgeable in majors outside of the School of Communication but I can always ask my friends if you have specifics that I cannot answer. So fire away!</p>

<p>Hecht or Standford for first year housing?</p>

<p>Sent from my ADR6425LVW using CC</p>

<p>Hecht has a better lobby. I was personally in Stanford but it really doesn’t matter much. Hecht has generally the “Party” mentality but there is no difference. It’s all about who you hang out with and surrond yourself with</p>

<p>Do you know how many students are majoring in computer science? How many students in the intro courses? Advance courses?</p>

<p>Is it easy to meet people who don’t party super often?</p>


Can’t speak for advanced courses, but programming I (CSC120) was about 70 students, and programming II (220) about 30-35. These are intro courses.</p>

<p>My question is about Coral Grant: If the financial condition remains the same does the amount of Coral Grant change?</p>


IllD93 said the same thing seekinguni did about class sizes. She said there are about 70 students in her CSC120 lecture this semester. There are 90 seats listed for fall for CSC120 but only 57 are taken as of today. She’s registered for CSC220 in the fall - that lecture has 60 seats available but only 20 are currently filled.</p>


Yes, the party stigma of Miami is mainly hype. There might be more of a scene for it here, but it’s very easy to find people who don’t go party every day. My biggest advice for meeting people is join a club. I do several TV shows and I recently joined the rock climbing club and it’s something really fun to do with people of all grades</p>



<p>Like most other people have said fairly small. To get an idea here are current numbers CSC120 (programming I) 68/90 spots filled, CSC220 (programming II) 42/54 spots filled, CSC322 (Systems Programing I’m currently taking) 39/40. They aren’t too bad especially with labs because they will be about 15-20 people with a TA there helping reinforce concepts</p>


I unfortunately have no idea. I would call the office of financial assistance [Contact</a> Us | Enrollment Management | University of Miami](<a href=“]Contact”></p>

<p>Gable scholarship or Florida Bright future : Can these scholarship be used for Dormitory?</p>

<p>@shocker can a junior transfer have a small single room? I don’t really want a roommate.</p>

<p>shocker4256: Where do most of the students study? Is it in the library? Student Center? Dorm? Lounge in the dorm? (Is there a lounge in the dorm? I didn’t notice.)</p>



<p>The library is pretty packed during the work week, all day until about 10pm (though it’s open til 2am on week nights and there are always people there that late). It’s also packed on Sundays from afternoon until close. Other students do study in the dorms (the freshman dorms have a study room on each floor as well as a larger one on the first floor/lobby). It depends on where/how people best work. And of course, you’ll always find people studying outside around campus in the grass and such.</p>

<p>SeekingUni: Thanks! The “study rooms” you mentioned in the freshmen dorms…in your opinion, are they really used as they should be used?</p>

<p>^I know on my floor I always see the study room being used for what it’s meant to be used for, especially group studying. I personally enjoy studying in my room or outside on the gliders though.</p>



<p>Again I’m not the one to ask about stuff like this</p>


Yes they can. There are singles in mahoney pearson. </p>


About half the floors have study rooms in the freshman dorms so students will study there. I personally like the gliders. The library is open late and you can reserve rooms for group studying. The forthcoming student activities center is going to have a 24/7 study space so look forward to that

Generally yes. Its just a room with a few tables and a couch</p>

<p>Also current sophomore at UM. The library is very busy during the week- but I like to study in unconventional places like the couches in the university center, the student lounge in the law school, and the Barnes and Noble in Sunset Place, which has a lot of seating. I also enjoy the upper floors of the main library, which are much quieter.</p>

<p>@genius do you think i need to be worried about not getting housing as a transfer student?</p>

<p>I cannot say with certainty. Call the school to make sure.</p>

<p>what are the RA’s like? are the strict with stuff like drinking and smoking in the dorms? what is the general campus atmosphere towards drinking and smoking in the dorms and elsewhere?</p>