Ask a Freshman ???

<p>So Im a out-of-state freshman at SC and if you guys have any questions feel free to ask</p>

<p>Which dorm are you in, and how do you like it?</p>

<p>Which classes are you taking, and how are you finding them??</p>

<p>Im in Bates dorm, it’s an alright dorm, certainly not the best but not the worst. The walk is a little far to get to classes it takes baout 20 or so minutes. The building itself is kind of dumpy but on the brightside, there is a decent all you can eat cafeteria on the bottom. I wouldn’t recommend requesting Bates but if you get stuck there it’s not the worst thing in the world.</p>

<p>Im a business student so I’m taking pretty core classes right now. My first semester classes (which are comming to an end) are Intermediate Spanish, University 101, Sociology, English, and Calculus for Business. I am finding there easy for the most part. But while I say it’s easy I can find many who say they are difficult. Such as my calculus class where 20 something had A’s while 8 people had below 50’s so it all depends on how much you know comming in and how much you try while your here.</p>

<p>How are you enjoying the Sociology and English classes, and what kind of reading and writing assignments do they include – more challenging than high school?</p>

<p>How’s the social life?</p>

<p>Is University 101 worth taking?</p>

<p>Sociology is probably my most difficult class but that cause it is a lecture class meaning the teacher just reads off a powerpoint in front ofthe 100 students. We dont really have assignments in that class other than every class there is recommended reading that you can do if you want to know more about the topic we are learning about in class. Other than that there are just 3 major exams in the semester. One fun thing about the class is that you can participate in sociology expiremnts which are fun. As for english im in a special pilot class where they are trying something new so I cant speak on the majority of people. But we have reading due in every class normally fpollowed by a quiz or in class writing. We also have 4 essay ranging from 3-7 pages which count for the majority of our grade. Its not that bad and I range it on par with high school.</p>

<p>The social life is good depending on how you get out there. You can either go greek which presents a very good social life. There are also many bars and other things in Five Points which you can go down to whenever. People are very nice down here so it’s not hard to make friends if you try. Also there are a bunch of clubs you can join, too many to name. </p>

<p>As far as university 101, im taking a business university 101 class. I mean its an easy A to boost your GPA but I really have not learned much. Its a good way to make friends though and learn more about the school. My class right now is doing a business case study which could be useful in our further schooling. I mean it depends on how you look at it. Theres a lot of work but at least for me seemingly is an easy A but I could have taken another class. Another thing university 101 presented me with that was good was that it may have provided me with an internship thruogh guest speakers who came to talk to the class. It all depends on how you look at it</p>

<p>That is smart to think about the University 101 class in terms other than the strictly academic.</p>

<p>Have you gone Greek? Did most students on your hall join?</p>

<p>I didn’t join a fraternity first semester but I plan to the second semester to get out there and meet some people and stuff like that. And no one on my hall joined a fraternity but I have a lot of freidns in fraternitites and sororities</p>

if I’m not mistaken I think University 101 is required.</p>

<p>No it’s not required, its highly encouraged but not mandatory</p>

<p>i really like the school but im a little nervous about coming from the north and fitting in with the “typical southern girl” do you think that its hard for nonsoutherners to fit in? hah thanks</p>

<p>Im a northerner to and had the same thuoghts on comming in but everything is fine. People down south are very nice and I havent encountered any who didnt like northners. But while I did partly rush for a fraternity, there were some fraternities who were less likely to talk to northerners. But there are people from all over and I think it wouldnt be hard to fit in. There is a little difference in the culture but its not completely different</p>


<p>There are many students from the North at USC, so many in fact from NJ and Maryland that there are jokes about USC actually being UNJSC or UMSC (SC as in South Campus) so I don’t think you have much to be concerned about. There are other parents who post on here with kids at USC from Chicago, Philadelphia and other very northern cities. FWIW, my D lives with three girls from NJ but also has many very close friends who are in state.</p>


<p>There are several fraternities on campus that were founded and chartered in the South and who do in fact select only Southerners for membership. They tend to be quasi-extensions of high school for many and if you are in any way a person with more liberal views you wouldn’t fit in to them anyway so I wouldn’t worry about it.</p>

<p>The vast majority of fraternities however are populated with students from very diverse locations.</p>

<p>Eadad is 100% – there are lots of “yankee” students at USC – My D is from MD and her roommate from NJ. As eadad said, there are a couple frats (and sororities) that tend to select only southerns for membership – but plenty who don’t. D has friends from all over the country at USC including many from SC and NC.</p>

<p>whats the best residence hall to live in for a freshman male?</p>

<p>Columbia or Capstone</p>

<p>Iv heard a lot about Bates West. Do you know anyone who lived there?</p>

<p>sorry for the late reply I had exams but I know a lot of people who live in Bates West. Its also got its goods and bads. The rooms are nice, they are newer and suite style. But it is also an all guys dorm which is far from main campus (russell house).</p>

<p>Also if you have any questions that you dont want to write to everyone, you can send me a PM and ill answer those</p>

<p>JRWriter, did you use UCHOOSE to find a roommate?</p>

<p>Also, do freshmen who attend orientation earlier get better course selection than those who attend later?</p>

<p>no I used facebook to find a roommate, it is probably the best way if you dont know someone going as you can talk to them and find out all about them, I didnt feel like the UCHOOSE did enough.</p>

<p>And yes the earlier you go to orientation the better class selection you get. I went early and got all the classes I wanted at the times I wanted (no 8 am classes). I would advise going to an earlier orientation</p>