Ask About Andover

They are, but when the student asked, I assumed, as I wrote, that she was asking about pom pom cheerleaders.

I saw a bunch of bicycles on campus. Are they used primarily by day students, and, if not, what do boarders do with them during the winter?

Does anyone know if any of the junior girls’ dorms have water fountains or are near them?

Fridges in rooms?

Are mattresses XL?

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Fridges only for medical reasons

@bc12345 Yes, XL beds. No to fridges in rooms but I believe each of the dorms have a common one the kids can use.

Some boarders have bikes, but most do not. Skateboards and scooters tend to be more popular, although old-fashioned walking is still the main means of transport. :slight_smile:

Same thing they do with them in the Fall and Spring - bike racks. Bikes are not allowed in dorm rooms.

@monica20 Unfortunately, none of them do. However, there are water fountains in the academic buildings and in Commons. As for at night when we can no longer access these buildings, most of us have water bottles, or get packs of plastic water bottles and keep them filled.

@skieurope - Yes, CaliKid is prepared to a do a lot of walking (but will be hoping for a dorm close to center of campus). I was surprised to see a relatively full bike rack on our revisit so had to ask.

After weeks and weeks of inner conflicts, I’m a PA’20! Go Big Blue! Can’t wait to choose all my courses in May.

welcome @fayexeter !!! happy to hear the inner conflicts are behind you :slight_smile:

@fayexeter congrats! Clearly you made the right choice! Go Big Blue!!

DS will be a Junior this fall. He is an impact athlete and a cellist. He prefers to stay in a large dorm, but would like to know which cluster or any specific dorm will be close to the common area and also best located for his regular EC such as swimming and orchestra practice.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

@jc570109 I will send you a PM

@AppleNotFar got your pm, thank you!

@jc570109 welcome to PA and to the swim family as well
You most likely received the answers to your questions from @AppleNotFar, who is a wealth of great information, but for 9th graders (juniors) there is not much in the way of dorm choice near the common areas of Paresky, OWHL, etc. The biggest dorm for juniors is Rockwell which I believe is made up up all singles if that is of interest. Even though not in the center of campus Rockwell it is pretty much equal distance from both the pool and Graves Hall (music center).

@BigBlueSwim We are so glad to be a part of the PA swimming family :"> Thank you for your suggestion, DS will definitely look into it!

@jc570109 Congrats and welcome to Andover! Rockwell, the largest junior boys’ dorm, is split between West Quad North and West Quad South. It’s the closest of the male junior dorms to the gym/athletic center, but one of the farthest from Graves Hall (mainly because almost all of the other junior male dorms in ABB, and therefore inherently closer to Graves). Currently, it consists only of singles, but they’re likely going to convert some into doubles. It sounds like that’ll be your best bet considering his interests!

Does anyone know exactly what you are required to send in at the end of the year prior to enrolling at Andover? Just a transcript or a counselor form as well? Thanks.

@bc12345 From one of my previous posts about our enrollment experience last year (buried way back in this thread :slight_smile: )

In May new students received info to log into their accounts where they will find, among many other things, a new student checklist. The checklist was also mailed to parents. There are lots of key dates on the checklist. Some examples:

-Housing preference cards were sent in mid-late April and were due June 1

-Health/Medical forms are completed online; parents create an account on the med portal in May and forms were due July 1

-Also at the beginning of May you get a bunch of stuff from the Dean of Studies Office including the course request form (where you can also indicate your choice of fall sport), placement tests for math, music and language (done online), registration for private instrument and voice lessons, and if applicable a form to verify proof-based geometry that is completed by the current school. These things were due June 1. You’ll also get a form to request a final transcript from the current school and that was due July 1. International students receive additional information around this time as well.