Ask About Andover

So you’re a new lower, right? In that case, yes, you are required to fulfill the Exercise & Sport Requirement each term, although it does not have to be an interscholastic sport. Physical Education is required, as well - no exemptions, but it’s P/F.

I believe that is currently the case @applicant92034 . Even students who are multiple varsity sport athletes are required to take the class. It’s pass/fail though, and only lasts one trimester.

The discussion with the adviser part is the key message here. The science class you can take will be dependent upon past classes plus math placement plus your year plus classes that still have space available.

@skieurope Will new students receive an initial science class placement before getting to school in the fall? Things are getting murky for me but I thought AppleKid received a full schedule some time in August before starting as a junior. (In AK’s case, placement for math was into Math 330 Precalculus, and for science Chemistry 300 College Chemistry; had to look that up though :slight_smile: )

It’s been a few years, so things are murky for me as well, but as I recall, yes. I think a science class was on my initial schedule, but I do remember having a conversation with the adviser upon arriving on campus, since my assigned class was not the course I wanted to take. @AppleNotFar

So what types of dorms are there for a new lower? I know there’s singles and doubles, but are there any other options like a triple/quadruple?

No such thing as a quadruple at PA. As far as triples go, they’re rare even among returning students, so I wouldn’t count on it. However, thats the kind of thing you could request in your housing questionnaire if you would like to live in a triple.

Who else going to be a new lower at Phillips Academy this incoming fall? I’m so excited!! :slight_smile:

I know some sports coaches like to start training a week before school starts. Is there such thing for Cross-Country? There’s a lot of people on the team… Would the coach contact me? Should I contact the coach?

Yes there is, but it’s not quite a full week. Last year they began on the Saturday before everyone else reported to school. What I don’t know is how the XC coach determines who to invite to come early. I would definitely recommend reaching out to the coach. My kid did the same for a different sport and received an invitation.

Also it could be a good idea to meet with the coach on revisit day. If you tell your host you want to, they can probably arrange that during a free period and it would give you a good sense of what the team is like. You could ask about preseason then.

For fellow musicians: How is it- managing a sport, schoolwork, and instrument practice/lessons? Is it a lot? (You’re required to take a sport, right?) One of the things my mum’s worried about is safety. Is it okay walking to and from Graves Hall at night? When is it open? Thanks!!

My son played piano throughout his four years and was able to manage a weekly lesson and practice. He brought a anfull-sized keyboard to school with him the years he had a single (used headphones) and practiced in his room. When he did not have the keyboard, he used the pianos in the basement of the Chapel, which a bit closer than Graves. It was all very manageable. He also had the same piano teacher for four years and liked him immensely.

Chiming in late to answer the science placement question. Science placement at Andover is fabulous as they allow f for a lot of student choice as long as you have the appropriate background. Fair warning that you may be sorry as the advanced science courses are difficult. My child entered having taken multiple science APs in middle school and was allowed to take appropriate levels of science. There are many, many options – astronomy, fluid mechanics, organic chemistry, many post-AP computer science and math options as well. They are generally very difficult. Science at Andover is fabulous!

And for music, music lessons are hard and take a lot of time, but it’s possible. Orchestra and individual lessons are wonderful opportunities at PA, but the time involved, on top of sports and other ECs, can impact grades.

Andover allows for all you can handle and it becomes a question of choices. Can you do varsity sports, orchestra, advanced classes, the Phillipian, and have a social life? Sure, but likely without the grades or the sleep you hope for. Can you do fewer ECs and get more sleep and get better grades or take easier courses and make it all work? Probably – depending in the student, but then you may miss out on some of the fabulous advanced courses.

What exactly is a three-room double? Does Andover have them?

Yes they do; it’s two smaller sleeping rooms with a larger common room.

They’re somewhat rare, though. Most doubles are two-room.

@Aetrus more so than single room doubles? That’s good to know.

@AppleNotFar 2 room doubles are more common than 3 room doubles. I don’t know how the number of rooms compare between 1 and 2 room doubles.

3 room doubles are a bit of the Holy Grail. They exist, but they are rare.