Ask About Andover

For anyone contemplating storage for the first time, this is the process that was described to me… They ship boxes and associated packing supplies to the dorm a week before the end of the term. Students then pack the boxes as appropriate (i.e., for storage or shipment) and then log into the web portal to print out appropriate labels (i.e., FedEx for shipping or a storage label). Stored supplies are then delivered to the dorm in the Fall.

PA appeared on the drop-down list of schools for which they provide pick-up and drop-off service, and they have set times for pick-up that coincide with the end of the Spring term. Drop-off for the upcoming Fall term can be entered later.

Oh, and it looks like they also have a drop-off only service, which is something that we might have considered last year had we known about it. Instead, flew in, went shopping at Target, and loaded up a rental car with stuff last Fall.

@AppleNotFar – I’m happy to discuss this by PM. Gunga kid has taken most of the courses you mentioned and can provide some specific feedback if you wish. I thought I read at some point that four courses are required, but I’m not positive. Gunga kid has always taken 5 or 6 and managed. I don’t think not having foreign language beyond a certain level matters much, but I do think that most schools require four years of English, so I would recommend that through senior fall and winter at the very least. Besides, the English electives are an awesome reward for having sat through the regular English through upper year.

Yes! I was a little disappointed that they use Microsoft Office instead of Google Docs :frowning: . However, I was extremely excited to get my Andover email, and to see everything on PA Net (see my previous post). I’ve already subscribed to their “community calendar,” which tells me all about what’s going on on campus. I’m really glad they gave us access now, as it has given me a larger look into the school and everything associated.

Thanks @gungablue ! AppleKid finally did forward to me a copy of the current transcript which the college counselor had marked up with the courses for both next year and senior year–5 classes for each of the 6 remaining terms! No rest for the weary I guess. My biggest concern had been the foreign language issue but that seems to be resolved. The plan does have History 300 listed for senior year, but there is a note that it could be swapped back to junior year.

@skieurope Thanks for pointing out the NCAA course requirements. I had previously just glanced at them but after reading your post I took a much closer look.

Finally read some of my Phillipian issues and I was interested to read that the school will offer an algebra-based physics-first option for Juniors beginning next school year: (page A5)

^^^Juniors=9th graders

Many HS now have physics in 9th grade. I see at PA this is tied to students who are starting in Math 100.

Interesting. I wonder what the progression will look like for those students, and how much it will differ from those students who start in MTH210 or beyond. I imagine the intro chem and bio classes will have greater mix of students from different grades.

Intro bio is still listed a only available to 9th graders. Chem 300 has always been a mix of students from different grades; Chem 250 only slight less so since juniors can’t take it. Maybe this is part of a greater science progression revamp that has not been shared?

I am thinking ahead to drop-off day for new juniors (9th)–can someone tell me the typical schedule? When do we need to be there? When are the parents asked to leave? I’d like to make arrangements early before everything books up.

@twinsmama For new domestic students, parents should plan to be there most of the day (beginning around 9am and leaving around 5pm but last two years there’s been a parent reception afterwards) on Tuesday, September 4th (international students typically report to campus the day before, and invited athletes will probably arrive over the weekend before).

^^^oh shoot! I meant @twinmama17

Are there plenty CDB scholars at Andover? If so, do they stand-out, fit-in well, or it belongs to DADT?

If I knew **any/b, it never came up in conversation.

I would not say it’s DADT; it’s more like DKDC :). It’s just not something anyone felt the need to talk about.

@Heading2HS Yes there are CDB scholars at PA (and PEA and other schools too). Or there were. I happen to know one and know there were others in that class. They are very similar to other students there. I doubt the non-CDB kids know or care. The CDB kids know each other because they have sessions together. If they were accepted to PA then it is because they would fit in there.

Another question: in the eyes of Andover students, what are some of the nice things you would say about Exeter? And what are some stinging things you would say?

What did you hear from Exeter about Andover?

Separately, Are this two schools true rivals like Oxford and Cambridge, or are they related in more ways to each other, or do they have the same/overlap trustee/board?

@Heading2HS swim kid applied and was accepted to both all honesty, neither school talked about the other. They are a real rivalry, but also have respect for each other. Honestly you can’t go wrong either way. The only thing that Andover spoke to was that teachers had the opportunity to teach class the way they saw fit va having harkness for every class.

As a moderator, I will step in here and say that we will not answer this question as phrased (or at least I will not allow it). That’s not the purpose of this site. We expect courtesy here, so I’m not allowing disparaging or rude comments about a rival.

But certainly Andover students and parents can say nice things about PEA, or can say why they chose PA over PEA, but really, each applicant should for his/her own opinion.

@Heading2HS PA and PEA are completely separate schools. They were founded by a nephew and uncle (hence the Phillips name). Current head of school at PA is an Exeter alum and head of PEA is an Andover alum. The rivalry is like Harvard/Yale (Cambridge/Oxford too)- primarily over sporting and academic competitions.

@Heading2HS – There are many CDB scholars at Andover. In one year, I think there were 12 out of the 30 who went to Andover. They all know each other and have had dinners and some other occasions to interact with each other. Otherwise, I doubt it comes up much since I suspect most kids have never heard of CDB.