Ask About Andover

My daughters are completing the “junior course request form” (Yes, I’m aware it was due last week!) They are trying to decide if they should take Chemistry or not in grade 9. They completed Geometry this year. We are unsure what the pros/cons of taking Chemistry (vs. Biology) would be.

Can someone educate us?

Did they take HS biology in 8th grade? What are their career aspirations? (Yes, I know it’s early). That might guide them, in part.

The only con is that many top colleges request a year of bio/chem/physics. They can certainly take a 500-level bio course later if they choose. There are certainly many 9th graders who do this, but not a majority by far.

Regardless, they need to be placed in Math 280 or higher. If the placement test results puts them in a lower level of math, chem is not an option.

Is there a parent FB group or other forum (besides here) that parents of Andover students can ask questions?

Yes there is a FB group but not very active.

I read in “The Boarding School Survival Guide” that (at some schools) roommates’ names and contact info are given to both roommates before the school year starts. If this is true at Andover, at what time does this happen?

Several years ago room assignments were given in August (including roommate information I think).

I vaguely recall that my child received an email or message last year saying that roommate assignment information would be forthcoming in August. My child got a single though, and given my memory, I can’t say with certainty. FWIW, many (100+) of the incoming freshmen found each other through social media last year before classes started.

@skieurope Chem 300 is an option in 9th grade.

Andover has many post AP classes in multiple subjects. One can start, starting 10th grade, to go beyond AP classes in math and science.

@nynycasino1234 I am well aware of that. However, as I said earlier, it is not an option unless the student is also placed in at least Math 280.

@skieurope My bad, I did not read your prior posting carefully, me cupla.

No worries I’ve been known to read too quickly myself sometimes @nynycasino1234

@twinmama17 I don’t know of another other forums either, but I’m open to PM if there’s anything I can answer, and I’m sure others are too (as I know they’ve been gracious enough to answer my questions over the past year). Welcome :slight_smile:

Who can I contact or where can I find information on the rules of use for the dining hall? Here’s the type of information that I’m trying to learn: How many meals are provided, what days of the week, if the student is going for hike or bike ride, can they request a packed lunch in advance? If they don’t want to eat in the dining hall, can they take the food to another location to eat?

If someone could point me in the right direction, I’d be appreciative. Thanks!

Does Andover have required summer reading? I didn’t see anything and I want to be sure to pick up the books. (My kiddos current school has had summer reading requirements since first grade.)

As @skieurope answered in the Class of 2022 thread:

Thanks @ChoatieMom ! I’m sure this is a stupid question, but how do I find that thread? I tried putting “Class of 2022” in search box but nothing came up.

@twinmama17 Here is the link to my original response:
And here is the total thread:

@twinmama17 The dining hall serves 3 meals per day everyday except on Sunday and some holidays when they serve just brunch and dinner. Kids can take food out of the dining hall to eat elsewhere but are discouraged (maybe even prohibited I am not sure) from taking utensils and plates out, both for reasons of dorm hygiene and because they often don’t come back. Students cannot request packed lunches or dinners, but coaches sometimes do for teams that will be away during mealtimes. Most kids keep some packaged food in their rooms (like granola bars) for missed meals. (Many kids eat this kind of thing instead of going to breakfast.) There is also a small cafe called Suzie’s where kids can buy (mostly junk) food when the dining hall is closed.

Reading the 2018-2019 Parent Handbook and came across the date for the student matriculation ceremony (September 6). Is there a specific dress code for that event?