Ask About Andover

While true, this generally is only an issue for the higher grades. As the user was asking about her kid playing JV, and presumably playing an instrument at the same level, it’s less of an issue. But if the kid proves adept at both, by upper/senior years, a varsity sport plus an arts/music group will generally result in choices having to be made.

Wanted to follow up on post #537

all V-level sports rotate three times a year. is orchestra, musical, or club year-round schedule or term-based?

Theater productions are term-based, although many students participate year-round. In addition to the 3 major productions, there are numerous smaller student-run productions, some being quite experimental. Orchestra is year-round. Clubs, for the most part, are also year-round, although depending upon the club, there may be times of the year that are busier than others.

Thanks CallieMom and Skieurope for your thoughts. It would be a very tough decision making process. If my daughter joins the orchestra there will be two days each week she will have back to back sports then orchestra, leaving no room for other clubs. Hopefully after the school starts she will have a clear sense of her choice.

Hi! Can anyone tell me if Nathan Hale 113 is a three room double? Thanks!!

Do any current Andover students want to tell me about my cluster/house? Stereotypes? Amenities? Pros and cons?

As a general statement, since it’s that time of year, I’m going to excuse myself from discussing dorms because it is what it is, and I prefer students to make up their own minds on pros/cons - mine don’t matter. The best dorm is the one you are in. The clusters have been discussed before, so feel free to search, but again, it’s not like you can change it. Others can feel free to answer if they so choose (except for the stereotypes, because we don’t allow those on this site.

Hi… for any Andover students, I got Pine Knoll Cluster, Fuess House 217. Can any of you all tell me about the cluster, the house, and whether the singles are large(er than normal)?

Anyone know about Abbot Cluster Will Hall Carriage House? Is it a big dorm or a small dorm? Thanks.

@privateschool21 Carriage House is notorious for being far away from the center of campus (15 minute walk to Commons, IIRC). It’s a small dorm, with maybe 10ish kids? From what I’ve heard, there is no proctor.

Oh thanks for the information! What does it mean to have no proctor?

Hi! Can anyone tell me if there is a gym or fitness center for students to work out on their own time? or are students restricted to their respective sports regarding physical activity? Thanks!

I think this is the place to ask. How are eleventh grade admissions for Andover? I have a friend who goes there and I’d love to go too so I can go to school with him in such an environment, but I’m applying in my 10th grade year.

Unless things have changed, there is no upperclass dorm without a proctor (9th grade dorms have prefects)…

Yes. But that’s true for all schools.

There are fewer spots for 11th graders, but also fewer students applying. But admissions is still very competitive.

@CavsFan2003 another option would be to repeat 10th grade and come to PA as a lower. That’s what I did–applied in 10th grade and repeated the year at Andover. I know you might be hesitant to put yourself through another unnecessary year of high school (I was at first) but for me, at least, it was definitely the right choice, and really not as uncommon as you would think. A significant number of new lowers were repeats who had already done 10th grade elsewhere. 11th grade is brutal no matter where you go to school, and I think having a year to adjust to life at Andover and get in the groove of things really helped me in the long run. It also gave me another year to experience everything Andover had to offer. That being said, I have a few friends who were new uppers and they had a blast so ultimately, it’s something for you and your family to decide.

Carriage House has not had a proctor for the last two years, at least.

Thanks for the info. I guess they have to get used to being independent. Do you know if the rooms in Carriage house are 3 room doubles? or if they are at least a decent size? older or newer?

Hey @CavsFan2003 , I concur with @Aetrus … in recommending you consider repeating the 10th grade at Andover. It is very common at Andover (and other similar boarding schools). My daughter repeated and it made all the difference. It allowed her to have a full three year experience versus being kind of half in and half out-- with two years at her former school and two and Andover. She did not need to retake any of the courses she completed prior to Andover, and began her college career being more fully prepared. My two cents. Best of luck!

@CallieMom While I personally would be willing to repeat a year, I’m not sure my dad would let me. How do you suggest I try and talk him into it?

What do the boys wear to the matriculation ceremony?