Ask About Andover

Yes. White Tie.

Kidding. It’s shirt and tie for males and dresses for females. And I assume you are asking for your child, because it’s not a parent event, unless things have changed.

Correct. Parents not invited. Wanted to make sure my child had something ready to go. Last minute clothes shopping around move-in would be torture… for me!

Which dorms have laundry facilities and which do not? I read in the handbook that the large dorms have washers/dryers but “some smaller dorms do not”. Can someone chime in?

Also, is the laundry service a good idea or not? Thoughts?

There are over 40 dorms. I doubt that anyone outside of the Residential Life Office has the list of which dorms don’t have laundry rooms. Most dorms have them. I suppose you can call and ask about exceptions.

I did not do laundry service in the beginning, but quickly changed my mind. The cost/benefit analysis did not justify my spending time in the laundry room versus worthwhile endeavor. It helped that skigranny offered to pay for the laundry service. :slight_smile:

Unlike at home where you can stick your clothes in the washer and walk away and do other things, you need to keep your eye on the laundry or else you’ll find your clothes tossed in a pile when the cycle is done.

@skieurope Are you a student or a parent? I thought you were a parent, but based on your response, it seems you are a student.

Also, regarding the taking food out of the dining hall–are there containers available? Should I send along some containers?

Thanks for answering so many of my questions.

I’m an alum. Currently a college student.

As is standard for most schools/colleges, food in Paresky is meant to be consumed in the dining hall. with the exception of the fruit/dessert/beverage that one is consuming when leaving. Not to say that kids don’t take food out, but coming in with a backhoe is not a good idea. :slight_smile:

Hope this doesnt sound like a silly question but at what point are classes actually assigned? Dear Child took placement tests but have not heard anything back yet so wondering how/when classes are assigned. I thought I read a few posts back on this thread that someone was filling out course request forms but we have not seen anything. He is an incoming lower


Students will receive a list of enrolled courses in late August— a change from previous years, as schedules won’t be released until students get to school.

Thanks for updating.

The 2018-19 Opening of School schedule is live on The Hive!

I was not able to access yesterday or today

Got the schedule thank you! At what time are you able to enter dorms to setup? Seems like so much going on once 9 a.m. registration starts

Quick questions. Dear Child would like to continue playing soccer in the fall, most likely with one of the JVs. For packing, besides her cleats does Andover Athletics take care the rest like socks, training uniforms and sheen guards? Thanks.

Can someone also share the experience of a child trying to do a sport, play in the orchestra, join a club with meaningful commitment at the same time? We understand it will be very difficult to balance the schedule. Just hard to decide on giving up an instrument that Dear Child has been playing for years.

Game uniforms are provided.

It’s probably a case of pick 2 of the 3 (knowing that one of them has to have an athletic component) unless the club is a once a week type club, and even then, it will require strong time management by the student.

Thanks skieurope! Appreciate so much your presence in the blog to answer all sorts of questions

Hey @Matcha45, a couple of thoughts about the reality of integrating sports with music with other interests…
I think your child should easily be able to participate in a varsity sport and participate in another “meaningful” club. It is quite common. The kids at Andover tend to be interested in many things and the clubs that the school offers (at no extra charge) are extraordinary. Also, I think it is quite common for students to play an instrument and practice regularly. The challenge would be if orchestra practice conflicted with sports. That might be a show stopper. But, students have many opportunities and venues for playing, and your child might get together with some fellow violin and viola players and participate in a Chamber ensemble, hypothetically, in lieu of the orchestra. From personal experience, my child was unable to be cast in any major drama production because the rehearsals conflicted with sports practice. Hope that helps and best of luck with your journey!

Do the boys use bathrobes in the dorms or just a towel? Thank you…

Personal preference. Both are used.