Ask About Andover

So much good info here. Thank you and keep it coming!!

Question: So my DS is repeating 9th and heā€™s taken two languages in his LPS. Will he get credit toward his language requirement at Andover? Just wondering if credits from LPS transfer. Thanks in advance!


The short answer is yes. Andover doesnā€™t require you to take a certain number of terms/years of a language, but rather reach the 300 level class, traditionally the 3rd year. So when placement tests come out, your student will likely place into a higher class than the 100 and thus not have to do as many classes or start from the very beginning.

Thank you @Atreus !

While true, I need to add the caveat that the results of his placement test may not (and Iā€™d say probably not) get him to the 300 level with 2 years at the LPS. IMO, the 200 level is more likely. As with most subjects, foreign language at Andover is a bit more rigorous than the LPS for most students.

@skieurope thatā€™s what I suspected. As he plans Iā€™ll make sure he leaves room for the possibility that he probably wonā€™t test out entirely. Thanks!


Skieurope is correct, and Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™ve been misleading. While he will not have to start from beginning, it is possible he may have to take a year or two.

@Aetrus not misleading at all. Thanks for the input.

@Aetrus @gossipgirlME Iā€™ve got a question :slight_smile:

Last year as a new student DC got an email in August with room assignment. Do returning students learn their room assignments at that time as well, or will they find out sooner than that? If so, when?

@AppleNotFar I donā€™t really know from personal experience as this will be my first year as a returning student, but students I knew last year found out about theirs in (mid? canā€™t quite recall) July.

@monica20 Thanks for your lengthy response hereā€¦lots of great detail. Can you explain what a three room double is vs a quad? Specifically, how is it laid out? Does each person have their own sleeping area but share the same room, along with a common area in between? Also, is the ratio of rooms to shower areas at parity across the campus?

Thank you @Atreus !! I hope youā€™re ok with me PMing you sometime during May in regards to course selection.

Also, adding on to @southernprepfam, could somebody tell me what the room choices are for a new lower?
And one moreā€¦(sorry) Is there something that you would like to recommend new students to prepare or preview during now until the start of school?

Can anyone describe the move in schedule? I will be traveling for work smack dab in the middle of move in I fear. Does move in happen the same day as orientation? My kid would be going a bit early for a sport so Iā€™m wondering if I could drop him with limited provisions then move in when I got back. Ugh.

@AppleNotFar current students have a lottery system for housing in the spring. There will be information in the dorms and via email with the procedure. It is a little complicated but the kids figure it out. Upperclassmen have the choice to stay in their room/dorm first. Then there is in cluster lottery then all school lottery.


Not entirely sure what you mean. To my knowledge, there are no 4 person dorms on campus (someone else can correct me on this if Iā€™m wrong), the ā€œquadā€ only refers to the dorm clusters West Quad North and West Quad South. With regards to the 3 room double, yes that is correct. There is one central common room and two smaller sleeping spaces. With showers, I really canā€™t say. I know in my dorm there are 4 bathrooms, each with 2 showers. Beyond that, Iā€™m not sure, sorry I canā€™t be of more help.


Thatā€™s totally fine! Just a quick note, my username is aetrus, not atreus. I wouldnā€™t want you just messaging some random person by mistake.

Room options for new lowers are fairly open. Iā€™ve heard some smaller dorms are occasionally only new lowers, but you really could end up in any of the (non-freshman) dorms on campus. Because priority is given to those already in the dorm and singles tend to be popular with upperclassmen, you will probably have a roommate, usually another new lower. However, if you do want a single, you can request that on the rooming form (will come out in May) and they will do their best to accommodate you.

As for preparation, thereā€™s not a ton you can do on your own at this point. When you come for revisit, you will probably get a better idea of the enrollment schedule and such. More information will become available in the coming weeks/months.

You are correct; there are no 4-person rooms.

More or less.

@MA2012 , does that mean that returning students will know their dorm assignments before they leave school for the summer? thanks!


New students typically arrive 2 days before the beginning of class, and athletes 2 days before that (football is sometimes 3). For instance, this year, athletes arrived on September 4th and classes began on the 8th. As for move in, most new students will move in during the 2 day orientation period, but I see no reason why you wouldnā€™t be able to drop him off with enough to get him through for a while and do a full move in at a later point. Parents periodically come through the dorm anyways, bringing stuff for their students, so thereā€™s no real reason this would be an issue.

@Aetrus you are a lifesaver. Thank you.

And thatā€™s varsity players as well as jv?


Of course, donā€™t mention it.

Thatā€™s really at the discretion of the coach, who your student will likely meet during revisit. Might I ask what sport he is playing so I can find out more specific information?