Ask Across the Pacific! Help answer pls!

<p>I am an international applicant and I have never visited the States. So my questions may look stupid or naive in your eyes, but I rly hope you can help me get a better understanding of Duke!</p>

<p>1) What is a Fraternity? What do they typically do? What is a typical member like? Throw too many...Okay, in hearsay in China, Greek groups like to party very often that are terrible, filled with crazy drunks? Is that true? I heard that Greek dominates Duke? Will I feel isolated there if I do not drink much and don't like wild parties? I love basketball, swimming and tracks, and are they very "Greek"?</p>

<p>2)I heard that southern schools are more conservative than northern counterparts. As a result there is a rumor that ethnics in Duke "self segregate". Is it true? IF so then it will be so bad...</p>

<p>3) Duke is in a small city. I wonder if there will be plenty of opportunities(I am interested in biology and politics, strange right?) Finally, I may not afford a car in Duke. (1$:7RMB). will it be a big inconvenience for me?</p>

<p>Thanks a trillion for answering!!</p>


<p>Fraternities are basically just groups of guys, and sororities are groups of girls. You rush them, which for guys is basically just going to parties/get togethers and meeting other guys, and if they like you/you fit in you may get offered a bid and can join. They host parties on campus…sometimes small with just “friends of the house,” others larger where everyone is invited. Some of them also host club parties. They also have date functions, mixer with sororities etc etc. Each fraternity also has a philanthropic cause they support, so they usually have a big event/week each year dedicated to raising money for that cause. In terms of a typical members, there are some frats at Duke dominated with the typical “frat star.” Preppy clothing, IMHO not very nice, parents with money, etc etc. but most of the frats there really is no typical members. They take you if they like you.</p>

<p>In terms of parties, that will also vary on each group, and the night. There will certainly be wild and crazy parties, but nothing like you see in the movies, honestly. I mean, people do get drunk as they do at any college, but the frat party scene is largely freshmen, unless you’re a member. In terms of Greek like dominating, I have to say that when giving campus tours people always bring this up and I think it’s a HUGE misconception people have about Duke. 20% of men and 40% of women on all of campus are Greek. It’s what you make of it…you can join a group and have a GREAT time, or you can not. For instance, I’m not Greek and I still go to plenty of parties and know plenty of non-Greek guys who do as well! It’s there, but it’s not going to affect your life adversely if you don’t join a group. You have all of fall semester to meet amazing people on campus, with the same interests as you, and I promise it will happen!</p>

<p>In terms of feeling isolted, you definitely won’t, but for me, being initially very stubborn about even going to a party, it did take me much longer than most people to meet a groups of friends. Eventually I did, and they’re all my best friends to this day, but it took longer. My advice is to just keep your dorm door open and just be open-minded about anything. You don’t have to get crazy drunk, but go to a party and meet some people! It’s college! </p>

<p>I don’t know if those sports are typically “Greek”…I mean I know members are definitely on those teams but I don’t think there’s like a “Swimming” frat in the sense that many members are on the team. EVERYONE at Duke, however, is dedicated to their basketball so nothing to worry about!</p>


<p>Eh, this is another statement I have to disagree with. I have friends who go to a ton of really southern schools, and Duke is nothing like them in ANY respect. I think because students at Duke come from so many places (I have one other friend from the south…everyone else is NY, CA, RI, etc etc) you can’t say it’s southern or northern, and there’s such a wide variety of groups represented that everyone just ultimately starts hanging out with people they like. There is SOME racial self-segregation, but I think that’s by choice, and just people from student groups making friends and hanging out together. People are incredibly open-minded and you’ll find in your group of friends there will be people of all different backgrounds, beliefs, ideologies, races, etc!</p>

<p>3) </p>

<p>Not strange at all! I had a great professor once who’s a faculty member in the Genome Sciences department, and spends every other week up in DC working. Scientists are more important than we think to policy, so you’re going to certainly be able to find people to help you and mentor you if that’s truly something you’re interested in and want to do. Check out the Genome Institute…I believe alot of what they do relates to politics and policy. In fact, I also know more than 1 person taking a combination of coursework in Public Policy and Biology…something you would certainly want to look into and try to do.</p>

<p>The great thing about Duke is that we have a lot of connections to places outside of campus so you’ll get alot of opportunity to really delve into what you want to study no matter what it is. If you’re really interested in the policy aspect of things, try to get an internship in DC perhaps, so you can spend a summer up there! Also, check out DukeEngage…I bet you could put together a really interesting project with your interests. Bottom line is Duke really tries to help students take their interests, whatever they may be, beyond the classroom,and give you opportunities to gain the experiences you need to be successful! It’s a great college in regards to that.</p>

<p>A car…not a problem. I’d say over half of the freshman class doesn’t have one anyway. You can get everything you need on campus…there are a few restaurants and stuff within walking distance…Chapel Hill (more of a college town…) is connected by a free bus…etc etc. Chances are you’ll know someone who has a car too, so you can bum a ride with them to Target/Wal-mart if you need to. Duke also usually runs a bus service to RDU over breaks, and cabs usually have a flat rate to the airport as well.</p>

<p>Hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have anymore questions!</p>

<p>It does help!! THANKS! I wish I can see you there!</p>