Ask Almost Anything About UR!

Do UR dorms have closets that lock? Or are their maybe lock boxes to hold valuable items?

@maddygirl2k No, but you can feel free to bring a lockable box/mini-safe if you want. I’ve personally never worried about it too much; even if a person is not below stealing, stealing from a roommate would be pretty stupid due to elevated suspicion and harsh repercussions. I also generally keep smaller valuables out of sight and hard-to-reach. Still, if you want it, feel free to get it; I’m pretty sure it’s not offered by default, though.

Is the social life focused all about the Greek system?

Looking at Richmond for our D21 and concerned about diversity as well. She’s a typical white student from the suburbs and I know she’d find many kids like her at Richmond but we also want her to meet kids from all kinds of backgrounds. Thoughts? Has Richmond been trying to get more diverse?

Neither of my UR gads, '16, '18, were involved in Greek life, and had plenty of friends (some of whom were in sororities/frats, some were not). There are plenty of things to do socially outside of greek life, both on and off campus.

My Ds made friends thru their academic classes, club sports, other clubs, service activities, dorms, etc.

As far as diversity at UR goes, approx. 10% of students are international, and the website reports that class of 2023 includes 34% students of color, and 14% first generation to attend college.

UR’s current president is African American, and along with UR administration, seems very committed to continuing to increase diversity at UR. When visiting campus, we would always see students of many different ethnicities/cultures and my Ds’ friend groups were pretty diverse.

@GailG123 My two Spiders ‘18 and ‘22 were/are not Greek and had no problems making connections, finding friends and things to do at UR. The Greek system is prevalent but not going to keep a non-Greek down.

@homerdog yes, the school has been working to diversify. My own two had a rainbow of friends in terms of race, sexuality, background and economic status. They went looking for it though. It didn’t fall in their lap.

What is the spider portal? I read that I can self report SAT scores via the spider portal but what is it?

considering it’s size, UR is very diverse and they implement programs to keep the diversity dialoge and engagement open.

I’ve found that if you dont specify your roomate choice; you will end up with someone very different than you. Every freshman should try it once.

Richmond alumni are tight-nit and VERY proud of UR. It shows during all the annual giving days. The network runs really deep and has deep pockets. UR graduates belong to a special club of people

I’m curious to hear about your perceptions of the teaching at Richmond. At many colleges and universities, for faculty members seeking tenure, it’s “publish or perish,” so faculty tend to emphasize their research over their teaching. Could you share some impressions regarding the teaching you’ve experienced at Richmond? I perceive a serious commitment to teaching and learning at the university and it’s what makes it attractive to me for my son. What thoughts do you have about this issue?

@My3SonsSD My daughter just finished her third semester at Richmond, and she has been very pleased with her professors so far. Of course there are some she liked better than others, but in general she’s found the level of teaching ability to be high. Her professors have seemed to be very interested in helping their students learn - ample office hours, responsive to emails, etc. She has been able to establish relationships with some professors, and several have written various recommendations for her.

does the school bring in interesting speakers and art exhibits, concerts etc and if so, do the students go?

When is the exact date for finalist notification?

@deadguy432 Assuming you mean Richmond Scholars finalist notification, I don’t think the exact date is ever given. The website says “by Feb. 1st”, but for the last couple of years it has been during the last week of January.

For a student who has/had a presidential scholarship:

What do you need to maintain that scholarship in terms of grades/GPA/etc?

Can anyone tell me whether all merit awards were included in the admission letter that went out last week? In other words, if no merit aid is referenced in the admission letter, should you assume that none will be awarded?

You need to maintain at least 3.0 GPA and be on target to graduate in four years.

Thank you!

Can anyone recommend a few good lunch and dinner spots around UR? Looking for local places that offer a good flavor of the area when visiting. Any help would be much appreciated!