Asking a teacher for a Re-test

<p>My book in a foreign language subject was stolen last October 20, one day before our long test (worth 15% of our grade) on October 21. Because of this, IO got an extremely low grade on the Long Test since I did not have a way to get another copy of the book on the night of October 20. However, the teacher thinks that she will not be able to give me a re-test. May i ask how do I approach her to ask for one, if you think that I should be given one?</p>

<p>I am trying to maintain an A grade for this class. Now, I have a high A- because of this test, which will bring down my GPA a bit for something that was not my fault. </p>

<p>Be3cause of this, I had a hard time to focus on my finals on October 27 and 29, so I basically screwed up all of them. </p>

<p>Would it be a good idea sue the person who stole my book? If it is, what amount would do? I am thinking of $2000, but that\s too little, so I think that $10000 would be a good idea (yes, ten thousand)</p>

<p>So you don’t know who stole your book, which I’m guessing you lost it or someone accidentally took it, and you’re planning to sure someone for 50 times what it is worth?</p>

<p>Im not sure if this is a serious post, but just remember that you are in high school yooo</p>

<p>You didn’t ask her yet but you know she thinks you can’t get a retest?</p>

<p>Something is really odd about your story. As a teacher, I would NOT expect you to be studying only the night before the test, and therefore wouldn’t give you a retest. And you admit it was your fault you messed up the other exams.</p>

<p>I often get excuses that students didn’t do homework, due today for example, because today they had something come up. Newsflash, you should have been working on it for weeks!</p>

<p>This is a joke, right? </p>

<p>Sorry, but even if someone DID steal your book (I don’t know why anyone would do that…), losing it ONE day before the test shouldn’t have had such a profound effect on your grade. Normally for a big test you study days before, especially if you want to get a good grade…</p>

<p>As far as sueing goes, WHAT? First off, how can you sue an un identified person? Secondly, do you literally mean sue? Like, court, profit, time-consumption, etc. Thats kind of ridiculous over a textbook.</p>

<p>Sorry i just went off, but it’s time to learn some self-accountability and responsibility. If your textbook gets stolen, phone a friend, go online, e-mail the teacher. Don’t blame a test grade on someone else, thats an excuse.</p>


The OP never said the thief was unidentified. </p>

<p>But yeah, this is silly, especially if your grade isn’t going to be hurt that much. </p>

<p>The thief was identified just this morning, but I still won’t have a retest (most probably)</p>

<p>The common issue was practicality. Should the teacher make a new test just for me?</p>

<p>Okay so I will just steal someone’s book to sabotage them, right? That person’s only punishment at school is detention (around 3 hours). That’s not fair considering I think I spent more than 50 hours on this issue. </p>

<p>There was a project in school that I was doing that weekend, and I seriously can’t understand the text that easily, so the only way I can understand it is when I am at home with a computer, so I have to use an online dictionary. </p>

<p>The project was cancelled, so I was put in a bad position (I was the only one who actually worked on it immediately after it was announced). </p>

<p>The coverage of the test was short (despite it having a big effect on the grade), so I usually study for tests like that a night before. </p>

<p>@BPearlman97‌ Yes, you could say that it was my fault that I messed up the other tests,but that was because I can’t concentrate on anything because of the test that was affected because my book was stolen a night before that. </p>

<p>Yes, the book’s price plus 50 hours of my time. so the book is around $10, then plus 50 hours times 10.1 at minimum wage, so i think that $2k is a far stretch. $550 is more like it. </p>

<p>My GPA is affected with this, so if that would ruin my chances on a good college my salary will be affected, which is way more than my initial plan of $2000.</p>

<p>The worst part is that the teachers are trying to withhold all information about this from me to avoid me bringing this case outside the school. </p>

<p>You can edit posts you know</p>

<p>sorry for that. </p>

<p>Ok, this is ridiculous. You want to sue someone because your grade dropped from an A to an A-. That will barely affect your GPA. I actually was in the same situation a while ago and although I did poorly on the exam, I was fine with it since the person apologized at the end and I deserved what I get since I didn’t study enough. No matter how big or small the test is, you should study it a few days before. Plus, you could have gone to the library to take out the book if they have it or just ask your friends to take pictures of it. And believe it or not, Internet these days has everything. Maybe your book was online. </p>

<p>You are saying that you are suing for $2000. Studying is not considered minimal wage. Studying is not a job that gets paid. It is voluntary. You can choose not to study and fail the test.</p>

<p>I think the teachers are withholding information because this case is stupid and childish. He got punished. End of story. This is such a minor thing, considering how students do drugs, rob a store. If you bring this up outside of school, people will be laughing at you for the sake of suing someone because your grade dropped from A to A-, which will have negligible impact on your GPA.</p>

<p>I just read the thread
“Would it be a good idea sue the person who stole my book? If it is, what amount would do? I am thinking of $2000, but that\s too little, so I think that $10000 would be a good idea (yes, ten thousand)”</p>

<p>What the flying…</p>

<p>You’re blowing this way out of proportion.</p>

<p>This was one test. I can understand you not having all everything you needed and I can sympathize with that But again, this was ONE test. To put this in perspective, think about how many classes you take a year, five, six, seven? Then think about how many courses you will have taken by the end of your senior year. That one grade will hardly mean anything in the scope of all the grades you have received in high school. And it’s 15 percent of a grade. Hypothetically assume you take six classes a year: (15/100 percent of your grade * 1/6 classes a year * 1/3.5 years before applying is less than 1% of your total GPA)</p>

<p>This is not worth suing people for. I think that is what your teachers and the fellow members of CC are trying to tell you. That one grade, regardless of how bad it was, is not going to keep you out of college, or affect your future salary. (The college you go to does not determine your future salary, but let’s save that for a future discussion)</p>

<p>Take this as a lesson and start studying earlier on. You never know what might happen. What if you had forgotten the book at school? Left it on the bus? You would be in the same situation. Have friends you know you can count on next time so you are not hopelessly lost without the book. Also, form a studying schedule that does not revolve around doing it the night before, you’ll retain it better that way. Take the retest if you can, but I’d highly recommend you avoid undertaking the actions you mentioned in the thread above</p>

<p>That test was the difference between an A and an A-. If I did decently, I’d get an A. </p>

<p>The book is not online. I tried searching for it. </p>

<p>Together with this incident, someone intentionally (that same person) messed up my school desk with glitter and broke my ruler into 4 pieces. </p>

<p>I guess any effort of telling you that you shouldn’t sue is futile. It seems like you ignored some of the important points because all you cared about was giing from an A to A-. But here are the things that people have said about the test and what I think:</p>

<li>Going from an A to an A- will have negigible impact on your GPA. If you do well the next semesters/quarters/trimesters, you would still get an A for your final grade.</li>
<li>You should have studied early for any tests, no matter how big or small it is. You said the test is 15% of the grade, why did you study so late?</li>
<li>You said you want to sue for $2000. Think about the costs. Think about the costs of hiring a lawyer and some other court fees. I am not even sure if anyone would take the case but this is really worth the time.</li>
<li>If someone agrees to go to court with you, you will make the national headline and people will be saying how stupid and funny this is. </li>
<li>This is not a legal issue. This should be handled by the school. Even if the person broke your ruler or did something to your desk, you should tell on him to be school and they will take the appropriate actions such as long term suspension. These things happen all the time down to kindergarten and that’s how people get suspended. Nobody sues because of this.</li>

<p>You should calm down and think about this for a few more days and see if you are thinking too much. I suggest you to just ask for a retest and just tell the principal about this. I am pretty sure your parents will not let you sue because of this issue. It’s just not worth the money to hire a lawyer.</p>

<p>Let me add on to @An1100345 … 6. You could of googled the topic. There are many more resources on any topic on the internet. Or go to the library. Or ask a friend to borrow theirs.</p>