Asking for a Letter of Reccommendation

Hello all,

I need some help with a situation I’m in. I am currently applying for summer research spot at my university. I am finally at the end of the application and I see that I need to list the name of a faculty member that will submit a recommendation for me. The exact words are “Who will be submitting a Faculty Recommendation on your behalf?” I did not expect that I would need this or else I would have dealt with it sooner. The application is due 2 weeks, but I’m not sure when they want the recommendation. From the form, I’m not sure if they even want a letter or just a few sentences saying I should be in the program. I go to a small private university with about 4,000 people. I want to ask my physics teacher for a recommendation, but they only thing is that we are on spring break right now. I don’t know what would be more appropriate: either send him an email now and give him 2 weeks notice, or wait another week and ask him in person then. I definitely don’t want to come across rude, but what is more rude, asking over email during spring break, or waiting until a later date? Again, I would’ve taken care of this sooner, if I was aware I needed it.

I would email now, apologize for emailing on spring break and let him know that you wanted to give him two weeks to do it. Just my opinion…

Thank you for your reply and advice. I was thinking the same thing, but just wanted some other opinions as well!

Send the email now, apologizing for emailing on spring break, and ask. It’s better to let them know in advance (I’ve been in the same situation when I was applying for summer programs). As long as you are polite, I doubt it will be an issue.