Asking for Financial Aid as a Transfer...

I am applying to several colleges for Fall admission as a sophomore year transfer. Some of the schools I’m applying to state that they are need-aware for transfer admissions. Since I am applying for financial aid, I was wondering how much the school being need-aware affects my chances? I know that asking for financial aid when they are need-aware is not ideal, but does it mean they will pretty much just disregard my application altogether? Does it dramatically change my chances of being accepted? Please help!

Concerned Prospective Transfer Student

“Need-aware” means that they will factor in your ability to pay for the price tag into their decision. Usually, this also means that the college is stingy with financial aid. Your application won’t be thrown away for financial reasons alone, so I wouldn’t say it dramatically changes your chances of being accepted.

@TransferStalker Thank you so much!

Check if the school meets full need. Most schools are need blind and don’t meet full need.

@vonlost If they meet full demonstrated need but are need-aware, what would that then mean for my situation, in which I am asking for financial aid?

It usually means if they deplete the financial aid budget before you are admitted, you’ll likely have to attend elsewhere.

Transfer students are not given the same priority in financial aid as the incoming freshman, so don’t put too much hope. You’ll be luck if you get any aid since need-blind/need-aware is generally for incoming freshman and transfer is probably at the bottom of the budget pool.

@vonlost @Andorvw Okay, thank you both for your helpful insight!