Asking professors for a volunteer position at a research lab

I am currently studying at a CCC, but I want to start having some research related extra curriculars. Do professors normally take volunteers outside of their institution? I wanted to email UCB professors, but I wanted to know how realistic it is for them to actually take volunteers. Any tips would be appreciated!! I was also going to email to start in the upcoming spring semester, if that has any effect.


You can ask but the students I know who have done research with college.professors have all done it at their college.

I don’t think it would hurt to ask! I’d recommend sending a brief email. Professors are very busy and get so many emails every day. They are much more likely to read your email if it is short and sweet. Make sure you email professors whose research is interesting to you and show that you’ve done some research on them (albeit in a succinct manner).

Subject: Undergraduate Research

Dear [Professor X],

I am a currently a [sophomore] at [California Community College] and am very interested in doing research in psychology. I am particularly interested in your project on [how the microbiome is linked to schizophrenia] published [this year] in [the Journal of Psychology]. Will you have openings in your lab for undergraduate researchers this coming spring?

Please feel free to contact me via this email or by phone at [1-234-5678-9101].

Thank you for your time,

I can’t emphasize enough: KEEP IT SHORT! If the professor doesn’t get back to you, don’t take it personally. They are extremely busy.

Good luck!

There is funding and opportunities set aside specifically for community college students by NIH

See if your community college has a STEM outreach program, too. There may be a program set up to help students get involved in research.

Thank you all!