<p>Has anyone ever asked anyone to be their roommate, even though they aren't that close to you? There's this kid that I want to be his roommate (because he's similar to me in a lot of ways). We are friends, but we don't see each other that often. If I just ask him to be his roommate, I'm afraid that would seem too awkward. Has this happened to any of you?</p>
<p>I wouldn’t really feel comfortable asking somebody I don’t really know to be my roommate. But thats me.</p>
<p>lol my first year roommate. I met her on collegeconfidential it turned out pretty good. she’s my friend now lol</p>
<p>It’s nice to have a roommate who’s not super close to you anyhoo</p>
<p>i would wait until you actually start filling applications. at that point, everyone will be asking everyone anyways, so it won’t be awkward.</p>
<p>Just casually ask, oh, what are your housing plans for next year? Do you have a roommate? And if he says, “oh, I’m living with so-and-so” then whatever. But if he says, oh I don’t know yet OR says “i’m living in dorms but haven’t found a roommate yet” that is your cue to suggest, hey, if you want to I am looking for a roommate. Voila. Not awkward at all</p>