<p>So I submitted an application today and I got an email from my admissions adviser saying that they did not receive my transcript. According to my account, my counselor submitted my school report. Was I supposed to have assigned my counselor as well as invited? Next to the date it just says "invited", but I never saw an option to "assign" like the recommenders do. It's submitted so it's too late to change anything. What did I do wrong???</p>
<p>It sounds like you did everything properly through common app. It might be that your counselor did not yet send the school report, or that he/she did not include your transcript with the school report. Each high school has its own system with respect to transcripts. They aren’t always sent as part of the school report. You might have to request a transcript to be sent separate from the counselor’s school report. </p>
<p>Alternatively, did the counselor submit the school report on time? Was your counselor aware of the early deadline? Ask your friends about the transcript questions this weekend, and ask your counselor at school on Monday.</p>
<p>I asked my counselor and she said that she submitted my transcript along with the school report. On my account next to the counselor section it even says “submitted: 11/13/13” and the deadline for the application was 11/15/13.</p>
<p>I emailed admissions and they gave me a number to fax my transcript to, but I don’t want to have to do that for all future schools I apply to.</p>
<p>Common App is really frustrating this year.</p>