
<p>Im very interested in astrobiology, but the field is new and there seems to be no place one can peruse any form of direct study into the field. What I have read is that a dual major or a major and minor in a biological science and a physical science would be the way to go. Because of this I'm thinking about dual majoring in evolutionary biology and astro physics but I don't know what sort of jobs I would be legible for with those degrees and I have also thought about one of those majors being a form of engineering but I don't know what college to go to for any of this. If anyone has any advice or input it would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Many colleges and universities with Astronomy departments offer an Astrobiology course for Liberal Arts majors but I doubt there are any schools where you can major in Astrobiology. The problem right now is that no extra-terrestrial life has been positively identifed so far. This may well change in the next few years if the increased number and sophistication of space probes results in discovery of life on Mars or one of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn.</p>

<p>NASA is probably the only potential employer for Astrobiology.</p>

<p>Astrobiology sounds cool man probably why not major in biology and then do grad research or undergrad research about astrbiology?</p>

<p>If you hope to work for NASA, make sure you qualify for a security clearance. Foreign ties or anything that might cast a doubt on your moral character (a criminal record, a history of consuming illegal drugs including weed, or politically incorrect statements that are on record somewhere on the internet) are big no-no’s. </p>

<p>If you may not qualify for a security clearance, I’d encourage you to stop considering anything space-related and pursue other careers.</p>

<p>[CAB:</a> Undergraduate Courses](<a href=“]CAB:”>
[B.S&lt;/a&gt;. in Earth and Space Exploration with a concentration in Astrobiology and Biogeosciences | School of Earth and Space Exploration](<a href=“]B.S”>
[Program:</a> Astrobiology Minor for Biology Majors - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Acalog ACMS?](<a href=“Program: Astrobiology Minor for Biology Majors - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Acalog ACMS™”>Program: Astrobiology Minor for Biology Majors - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Acalog ACMS™)
[Minor</a> in Astrobiology: Minor Requirements - KU Catalog](<a href=“]Minor”>
[Northwestern</a> Astrobiology Group](<a href=“]Northwestern”>
[The</a> Stanford Astrobiology Course](<a href=“]The”>
[Penn</a> State Astrobiology Research Center - Astrobiology Minor](<a href=“]Penn”>
[Instructor</a> Resources](<a href=“]Instructor”>
[ASTR</a> 310: Astrobiology](<a href=“]ASTR”>
[Astrobiology</a> at Truman](<a href=“]Astrobiology”>
[Astrobiology</a> Degree | Florida Institute of Technology](<a href=“]Astrobiology”>
[Education</a> | Center for Astrobiology | University of Arizona](<a href=“]Education”>Education | Astrobiology at The University of Arizona)
[URI</a> Astrobiology Institute](<a href=“URI Astrobiology Institute”>URI Astrobiology Institute)
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