ASU Honors College vs U of A Honors College 2019

Last discussion on this subject appears to be ten years ago. What is the landscape today, between the two programs and how do they compare and contrast?

Uof A announced it was building new facilities and revamping its Honors college. But the Fall 2019 website proves disappointing. Not clear on what was changed. Try probably have budget problems.

Seems like the new Honors building(s) is on schedule for a Fall 2019 opening:

Please help me to understand how Honors college work. It is one for all university, I mean for all majors in university. Engineers, doctors, teachers, ect… How they all together can study in one place? How it organised?

All the most inquisitive students who like to discuss and research live together. They share some classes and have some benefits such as priority registration, special advisers, scholarships, or better dorms. In a large university it means you are in a small community but obviously half your time you’re with the rest of the University, so you can benefit from both types of education.