<p>lol as for stats 400metres, the New York Times is hardly trustworthy. It is perhaps the most liberal newspaper in America, maybe the world. It is against America and its values, hence its illegal exposure of the vital NSA program to fight terror.</p>
<p>A few facts about the New York Times' and ACLU's agenda:</p>
<p>If the New York Times had their way, women would be killing their babies, running around promiscuously, forming lesbian unions, and permanently putting kids in daycare centers to make room for their 4 jobs. </p>
<p>If the New York Times had their way, terrorists would gain status as "privileged citizens," all given the license to kill Americans. Any American who tried to retaliate would be named a war mongerer and cold blooded killer. The terrorists would be henceforth named "freedom fighters." </p>
<p>If the New York Times had their way, a ditch digger would make the same amount of money as a CEO in the name of equal rights.</p>
<p>If the New York Times had their way, our national colors and flag would be changed from red, white, and blue to rainbow colors. (gay and lesbian pride)</p>
<p>If the New York Times had their way, women would take precedence over males on the job, in college, and in life. Being a woman would mean 500 extra points. A male with a 2400 and a 4.0 would be rejected over a woman with a 600 and a 1.0. </p>
<p>If the New York Times had their way, anyone practicing any form of religion would be labeled as a religious extremist and thus be persecuted and apprehended. Religion is heresy according to the New York Times.</p>
<p>If the New York Times had their way, flag burning would not only be favorable, we would have a whole holiday dedicated to it. Flag-burning day, where Americans compete to see who can be the most patriotic, symbolizing their right to protest, by burning as many flags as possible.</p>
<p>If the New York Times had their way, war would be illegal. It doesn't matter who attacks us. War is bad. Our troops kill "innocent" people. No War is good. All other nations except the United States are angelic entities, not capable of malice. The USA is the biggest problem in the world according to the New York Times.</p>
<p>Do I trust the ultra liberal, communist, and Anti-American New York Times? Hell no. They can take their skewed statistics and anti-american agenda and shove it up their holes, as they shove things in there often on gay pride day. The New York Times is the most unreliable source possible. Males shall continue to dominate for decades and centuries to come.</p>