After touring Muhlenberg, I got a sense that many of their students were affiliated with a religion. Though it’s often noted by every college, I felt as though since such a majority of student identify with a religious group, is it looked down upon or seen as weird if you are an atheist?
I am not sure where you got the sense that many of the students are affiliated with a religion but I would suggest that you might be a tad wrong in your sense. There are many communities that make up the larger Muhlenberg community but I don’t think that “students affiliated with religions” makes up a majority of the student body. They like to give a statistic about what percentage of the students were raised in certain religions but in actuality the percentage of all students active in their religion is probably not anywhere near those statistics. An atheist would not be looked upon as weird unless you stood on the table in Seeger’s and began shouting about it… best of luck to you!