Athlete resume if not expecting/attempting to be recruited

<p>I'm writing this on behalf of a friend not on cc, and don't have an athlete kid myself, so may mangle this a bit, so here goes...</p>

<p>The student has played two varsity sports for the past three years and done very well in both. She's not, however, a level where she would likely play at the intercollegiate level. Does it make sense for her to submit an athlete resume with her application?</p>

<p>I have never helped a student submit an athlete resume, so I am basically clueless. Can you tell me what would be the point of submitting it if she is not wanting to be recruited? Does she hope that there is a small possibility? </p>

<p>My d was an HS athlete, not trying to be recruited, and just listed the athletics as an EC, just like clubs and choir stuff.</p>

<p>I guess I was thinking that the way a kid who has done serious music might submit a music resume even though he/she isn’t planning to be a music major, just to demonstrate and explain in some detail an EC that took tons of time and effort and involved significant accomplishments.</p>

<p>There are places on applications to put this kind of information (the sport, the position, the honors, accomplishments, etc.) and most applications are on-line. If there is the ability to add an attachment she could do this or she could send it to admissions separate from her on-line applications if the application doesn’t afford the ability to explain what she feels she wants to explain. She should read the college websites to find out if the college has specific desires regarding supplemental information. Some of the very large selective universities that are flooded with applications almost have a “please don’t” attitude about supplemental materials. If he wants to participate in the sport, club, intramural or as a walk-on or recruited athlete this resume should go to the coaches.</p>

<p>Agree with momofthreeboys. I would add that if the applicant feels that her participation in athletics has helped shape whom she is, she might want to develope that in an essay - in which she can mention her two varsity sports.</p>

<p>Our daughter is a serious musician…who was not a music major. She did NOT prepare a music resume (even though she had plenty to put on it). She listed her most important music activities as ECs on her applications. As it happened, her essay related to a music related activity she organized and started, and one of her letters of reference was from her HS music and theory teacher.</p>

<p>I would think someone who played a significant sport would do the same…list the important things on the application.</p>

<p>To be honest, schools do not usually like “extra” stuff submitted that they don’t ask for. This would be a case where I personally think a resume would be “extra stuff”.</p>

<p>Thanks, all. There’s a consensus (yay!) and one fewer thing for the kid and family to worry about.</p>

<p>BTW, I do agree that if these athletic endeavors have been such a large part of this girl’s life thee is probably an essay in there somewhere…at a minimum one of the supplemental short essays…</p>

<p>Hello there. If your friends daughter is interested (at any time) in playing on a collegiate level( no matter how good a he may or may not think she is), it may be helpful for her to create a athletic resume as well as register for the NCAA. She could always change her mind.</p>

<p>I don’t know why a first reaction is often that various sorts of misc details should go in the essay(s.) There’s a different purpose for those. If it makes sense, fine- but make sure the essays do their own job.</p>

<p>I basically agree this usually fits right in ECs. You haven’t said what she did was so extraordinary that it’s crucial to elaborate.</p>

<p>If she wants to play intramural, under ECs, she can check the box about wanting to stay involved, in college- same as for other activities. It does give adcoms an idea of how she might engage, on campus. And, don’t forget, if she has mentored or coached outside hs, that’s good, too, and can be included as activities.</p>

<p>Usually I’m in the “less is more” camp, but I do think there is one big exception – if this child is applying to LACs.</p>

<p>You’ll find lots of walk-ons on practically every team at every LAC out there (of course there are some exceptions). Someone who is not nationally-recruitable may still be a fine teammate at a school like Wellesley or Macalester (et. al.). In fact, I know that some coaches at these schools may “show interest” in non-recruited athletes if they might otherwise might be good people to have on a team, especially if they have high standardized testing scores…</p>

<p>If this child is considering LACs, she may want to investigate contacting the coaches at these schools even if she thinks she is not a competitive collegiate player.</p>

<p>Just a thought.</p>

<p>Thanks much for the additional thoughts! Yes, she will be applying to some LACs, amd she does have high test scores. Sounds like it can’t hurt to contact the coaches.</p>

<p>Totally agree with the LACs/Coaches,
but would strongly encourage either a short supplemental essay about the sports or else add the resume in the spot that says “any additional info you would like to provide”. I may be mangling the exact prompt, but it’s there. Also add the sport as an EC. Essentially if the kid did great academically while maintaining a strong athletic schedule, colleges want to know. It means the kid won’t flounder, and may add something to the community.</p>