<p>Does anyone have any experience with an athletic transfer into Middlebury? Do coaches have any influence in the transfer process?</p>
<p>Depends. And i am almost positive the only way you’re going to find out is to have the athlete try and contact the coaches. Have grades, transcripts, test scores ready to fax and some sort of highlight, other film or whatever is standard for sport ready to go if requested.</p>
<p>You’ll never know unless you try.</p>
<p>I’d also research the rules for transfering in DIII ([NCAA</a> Home Page](<a href=“http://www.ncaa.org%5DNCAA”>http://www.ncaa.org)) (for that matter the NESCAC may haev it’s own rules about transfers) … in DI a athlete has to sit out a year of competition if they transfer … it’s a guess but I’d think in DIII an athlete does not have to wait to play the year of their transfer (but that is a guess).</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies. First, already checked out NCAA rules. A release has to be signed by the athlete to allow the contact with the coaches.</p>
<p>To the first response, this person was a highly recruited athlete by Middlebury but chose a different NESCAC school. Realized too late in the game last year, but now wants to transfer into Middlebury for fall 2009 if possible. So the coach is well aware of the athlete, just wondering if they have any pull with admissions on a transfer application.</p>
<p>mwgde- I would say to be careful. Make sure the athlete has spoken to his/her current Coach.
Remember all the NESCAC schools play each other and Coaches do talk to one another.
You don’t want it to be uncomfortable for the athlete going forward.
Good Luck.</p>
<p>Athletes do transfer within the NESCAC but with not much frequency. I believe that there was a soccer player who transferred from Conn College to Amherst this year and a hockey player who transferred from Colby to Amherst a couple of years ago. It’s generally hard for any student to transfer into a NESCAC (the data is daunting, with the rate of acceptance much lower for transfers than it is for incoming freshmen). </p>
<p>I get the sense that the coaches do make up a little fraternity and that transfers may be frowned upon at that level. This is just a hunch on my part. But, since the recruiting rules for athletes are so strict and numerically limited, the coach at the target school would know that he is kind of screwing with the other school by grabbing a recruited athlete from another school. I suspect that transfers would be more frequent if they were not discouraged at the coach’s level.</p>