<p>Do Biology majors get to take ANY classes that are small and taught by a professor, or are they ALL large lectures? (excluding labs)</p>
<p>some upper div electives might be smaller.</p>
<p>Anyone know exact numbers of students in each class? IT looks like all the classes are 200 or more students. Are there any small ones at all (other than Fiat Lux)?</p>
<p>well, biology IS a pretty popular major…</p>
<p>what are you looking at? it looks like most of the EEB upper divs other than EEB100 are 120 or less (which is still big, but i dont see where you’re getting more than 200). i see a couple that are 80 and 40, etc.</p>
<p>if you’re looking for more one on one with the professor you can always go to office hours.</p>
<p>How is the EEB major at UCLA. Highly recommended? My future interests are genetics (either wildlife or research). Would EEB be a good undergrad major for me?</p>
<p>^ also something to consider: the new minor in society and genetics. depends on what you want to do after college, but it might be a good supplement to your major studies.</p>
<p>im taking a class in a bio-related field that has 20-25 students (upper div)</p>
<p>Which field is that, specifically?</p>