Hello people who may be seeing this! I’m going to be a sophomore this coming school year and I wanted to get y’alls thoughts on my plans. So I’m going to take the August SAT 2019 as a sophomore. The main reason why is because I have to do it for senior high school in Philippines because we’re probably going to move. It’s one of the requirements, and it’s also practice for the entrance exams as well. Do you guys have any tips? Also, should I take SAT subject tests or AP tests at the end of the school year? The entrance exams are going to be covering essential all the sciences, and all the types of mathematics, as well as topics on the SAT. Before I go to a whole new country, should I get the most out of it while I’m still here? Cause I’m not even sure how much of the courses I’ll take in Philippines would count, let alone be acceptable towards college. So anyways, if someone does read this, thanks for your time and have a good day!