Average GPA by major

<p>What is the average gpa of liberal arts majors? Business majors? Are there any differences between certain types of majors, or are they about the same?</p>

<p>My guess is pretty dang similar in terms of GPA, you don't see much of a difference until you get into the physical sciences and engineering majors.</p>

<p>Assuming that the average grades don't vary a lot between subjects, what do you think about the distribution of grades? Do some subjects produce unproportionally many top and mediocre grades while others generally stick to good-but-not-outstanding grades? </p>

<p>I started thinking about this after 4 out of 10 students graduating summa cum lauda this year were math majors, while not a single one of them majored in a humanity.</p>

<p>Education majors typically have the highest GPAs of all the majors. I remember reading somewhere that the average GPA for Education majors at Arizona St. was at one point like a 3.43.</p>

<p>Based on the Dean's List requirements at my school, education majors have the highest, engineers have the second lowest (school of agriculture has the lowest at my school), business is slightly higher than liberal arts.</p>

<p>It probably varies slightly from school to school, but most probably follow similar trends.</p>

<p>I think Psych majors have the highest in my experience. Engineers are the lowest. Education is high, business is middle.</p>

<p>hahah my boy's roomie smoked weed like 4 times a day last semester and somehow got a 4.0..he's a psych major..</p>

<p>It really depends on the school too...a business major from Wharton or a top 15 B-school is not going to be comparable to Jim Bob from a state school</p>

<p>Or any major for that matter</p>