<p>What does the average person with a degree in business (finance, marketing, economics, B.A., etc..) do? Where do they end up in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years? I'm under the impression that the only highly successful business graduates are all from top 10 B-schools. If I can't get into those schools, would it even be worth the time and effort for me to go to just any university for a business major? I did very poorly in high school. Now that I finally grew up and realized that I'm in deep, it seems like its too late for me to make changes. I'm starting my general education courses at a local community college soon. I will be enrolled there for 2 years to get my general education courses out of the way, and to get my prerequisites for a transfer. I was planning on transferring to a good university from than on but from a realistic point of view, I think that's impossible. Who would want to accept community college transfers? What am I looking at right now? I want some honest opinions. Should I just enroll into any university, do the best I can and get a bachelors, work a bit, and try to get into a top 10 B-school? Would THAT even be possible?</p>
<p>Can anyone please help?</p>
<p>Do your best in community college and transfer to a good university or cal state. Do business administration and focus on accounting. You can then get your CPA and work for an accounting firm. You’ll make good money. Don’t worry. I know a woman, who works as a CPA for an engineering firm. She graduated from Cal state Fresno and got her CPA certification. She makes 100k+ in her mid 20’s. Don’t let brand name stress you out.</p>