<p>MIT sent us pretty holiday snowflake cards, signed by the whole admissions staff. A very nice gesture =)
If Mr. Ben sees this, tell everyone thank you from all of us! ^_^</p>
<p>I got mine a few days ago. How thoughtful that they'd personally sign each one! (I checked for pen indentation. Nothing like cheap ball-point pen)</p>
<p>I wouldn't put it past MIT to make something that faked pen indentation :)</p>
<p>I liked that card so much that it is still on the mantle from my son's admission last year!</p>
<p>Oh noes I didn't get one! :(</p>
<p>Dude. Those cards were legit. Hand Signed.
I wonder if they got hand cramps.</p>
<p>signing 377 cards? Lots of work, but I would imagine some families do at least that, over 'holidays'</p>
<p>i didnt get one either... 377 of who gets these, earlies?</p>
<p>i assumed it was all the admitted EA students, which makes 377...</p>
<p>omigosh, valentine day card from MIT! again, signed by Ben, Mollie, Nance, Matt and others! awww yay I love MIT so much =)</p>
<p>My hand hurt after signing those, let me tell you what. And I can assure you that they were most certainly hand-signed -- although we did get free pizza for our troubles.</p>
<p>hahaha. at least it was Bertucci's. :)</p>
<p>Yeah, before anyone raises any doubts, let me reaffirm that we hand signed 400 cards ("just in case"). I had a 30 minute lunch break and ended up being 10 minutes late getting back to class but I signed...a lot of them. Not sure if I hit them all but I sure as hell tried!</p>
<p>It was fun times though. The bloggers are all kind of crazy. =)</p>
<p>Valentines Day cards and free cross country CPW plane flights. woot woot.</p>
<p>wait, free cross country CPW plane flights? they fly us out? i thought we went ourselves?</p>
<p>coolest valentines day card ever.
yeah, i got the letter also for free ride to CPW.. .but I misplaced it. Can anyone give me the info? :(</p>
<p>why not call back the admissions office?</p>
<p>i love these cards!</p>
<p>I'm confused...I thought that we have to pay for transportation to CPW? I never received any letter regarding a free ride, is that only for certain admitted students?</p>
<p>Most everyone does have to pay their own way to CPW.</p>